Chapter Two - Eleanor

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January 2nd, 2023. Diary entry #18

My husband is my rock, my world, my everything. How cringey is that? I know how cringey it sounds, but it's the truth.

We've been married for one whole year now and we just celebrated our anniversary last week. It's crazy how fast time flies.

He took me to the art museum downtown, and we spent a couple hours picking out our favourite pieces of art and making out in the exhibits that happened to be empty. Sometimes I feel like the universe blesses me with moments like that, where we can makeout in an empty museum, whereas that usually never happens, as it's the busiest museum in all of the city. He keeps me on my toes in the best way possible. I don't think I've ever had a dull moment with Elijah.

Even the first time we met was an exciting experience. But my diary has heard that story about eight times since then, right? I won't tell it again.

After the museum, we went to a fancy dinner where he spent way more than he needed to and we went home and had the best sex ever. Then again, I say the same thing every time we have sex. Anway, here's to another diary entry.

I'm going to go bother Elijah and get him to stop working. Being a newspaper editor means you're on a computer for 90% of your life. I have to really pull him away from it lately. Till next time!

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