Chapter twenty-three - Elijah

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It had been two months since Eleanor and I first had sex

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

It had been two months since Eleanor and I first had sex. It had been the best, happiest and most pleasurable two months of my life thus far. I've had a lot of enjoyable times in my life, as I had things pretty easy growing up - but this, Eleanor, was unlike any of them.

The experience of Eleanor was one for the books, which leads me to explain why I'm writing this one now. It's because it's a hell of a story to be told. And maybe I seem creepy to you and maybe even a little crazy - but remember what I told you? It's not like that. This is a love story! I simply consider myself to be a...seriously devoted man who did anything he had to in order to get the woman he wanted. What's the crime in that?

I mean, maybe the crime was copying her keys and entering her home without her permission and possibly a couple other things...but everything worked out in the end, so I don't see the problem in it and neither should you.

I do feel a little guilty writing this book however, because a lot of my time and attention has been taken from Eleanor and I think she feels it. She's acting a little strange, distant even. She knows I love her though, I married her for christ's sake.

I just need to finish this book and then once I do, I can refocus and divert my attention back to her. I think I'll even let her read it so she can realize the lengths I went to get to her and she'll love me even more than she already does.

Anyways, back to the story, dear reader.

Eleanor invited me over to her apartment, which technically it would have been my first time going over if I hadn't "broken in" two months prior. She told me to bring a change of clothes because she wanted me to sleep over. This wouldn't be our first sleepover but it would be our first at her apartment and to say I was excited was an understatement.

I showed up early Saturday morning so that we could spend the whole day together.

I went there that day with the intention of asking her to be my girlfriend.

The idea of asking somebody to be my girlfriend felt cliche and Eleanor was no cliche but what else was I to do?

I still had the thought of Richie and Carmen on my mind and if she actually cut them off and it made me wonder if maybe she never did. What if she was seeing them and me at the same time, having all of us on rotation?

Richie got Mondays, Carmen got Tuesdays and Wednesdays and I got Fridays to Sundays. I didn't look at Eleanor as a woman like that, a slut, but I guess you never really know someone until you read their diary and I couldn't do that because I didn't have any more pages in my possession, so nothing was for certain. I would sneak a peek later when she went to the bathroom.

You see, the thing with Eleanor is that I was becoming obsessed - and I mean that in a romantic way. Perhaps the reader won't see it that way, but I was so infatuated with her that I couldn't stand not getting my hands on her. I wanted to be constantly touching her or touching the things she also touched. Any moment where I wasn't connected to her was a painful moment.

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