Chapter thirty-six

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An hour passed and Eleanor hadn't left the bathroom. I ended up grabbing a chair from the dining table and sitting on it right in front of the door.

My eyes were locked in, waiting for her to open it. I wasn't sure if she ever would, but she would have to at some point whether she liked it or not.

The whole situation had gone awry and was the complete opposite of what I wanted to happen. I was upset.

I knew she didn't have her phone, as she left it on the coffee table before dashing into the bathroom like her life depended on it. That means she had no way of calling for help or escaping - if those were options that she was weighing out.

Although, I didn't want to be rash and assume she was thinking the worst - that I would, I don't know, kill her or something. I wasn't going to do that. There was no way in hell I would do that. But did she know that? In her heart of hearts - did she truly think I, her loving husband, who killed somebody just to get close to her would also kill her? I mean, there was just no sense behind it. Why would I kill someone that I killed for? I hoped she hadn't been thinking that.

I would do anything for her and I just wanted us to be happy.

It was silent and the atmosphere was dark and gloomy, even though it was one of the sunniest days of the month thus far.

"I rehomed my fucking cat for you. How could you do this, Elijah?" Her voice sounded like angels. Finally, I thought to myself. She was talking to me again, even if what she was saying wasn't sweet or what I wanted to hear.

"What part of the book are you at?" I asked her, curiously. How far into the story had she gotten? What was coming next? Or had she finished it already? I wished I were in there with her to see.

"Really? That's what you're asking me right now? Jesus fucking Christ!" She was yelling. I could hear the hurt and anger ripping through her throat, thrashing out.

"I need to know." I growled.

"Okay, fine. Fine! I uh-" She stops talking abruptly and it sounded like a small whimper left her. "I just finished the part where you broke into my home and invaded my personal belongings, read my diary, took pictures of my diary. You're a freak." Her voice cracked while she spoke. I heard her sniffle. She was crying. My heart started to break even more, cracking into a million pieces.

No, no, no. She's not supposed to be crying sad tears over this story. They're supposed to be happy.

"Please don't cry." I said, looking down at the ground.

"No, Elijah. You're sick! How did I not see this before? There's something wrong with you! I can't believe y-you... You tricked me! You lied about everything, ever single fucking thing I thought I knew about you has been fabricated, like some fucking sick joke!" She screamed as she started to sob. I had never heard her be so upset before.

I didn't know what to say. Would anything I said really help the situation in any way? I couldn't get into the bathroom, she wasn't coming out, she thought I was crazy and I was out of luck. I didn't think so. She was locked in there with my book of secrets and it was getting worse by the second.

"Why won't you come out of the bathroom?'' That was the only question on my mind. Was she scared I was going to hurt her? I needed to let her know I would never do that. Not intentionally, anyway.

She didn't answer me.

"Eleanor?'' I called out her name. "Please, answer me.'' I grumbled. "I would never hurt you, you know that right? I just want to talk."

I think I accepted defeat at that point and had nothing else to say or do, so I just sat there and continued to wait. She would come out at some point and I would sit there all night if I had to.

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