Chapter eleven - Eleanor

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January 14, 2023 Diary entry #21

I had a dream last night that I had a stalker. It was scary and I woke up in a cold sweat. Elijah pulled me close, as he was already awake, and he gave me a kiss on my head and asked me if I was okay.

I explained to him how I dreamt that this shadow was following me and he asked who it was but I didn't know, I couldn't see its face. I just felt this presence close up behind me, like I knew I was being followed even if I couldn't see anything.

I ran into a coffee shop to hide and I ducked underneath a table by the window, hoping this presence would go away. I crouched and stayed quiet, the coffee shop seemingly empty, as if it was abandoned but it didn't look abandoned.

When I finally thought it was safe to check, I peeked above the table and there the presence was, in the window on the outside, staring in at me. It was all black, like a blob in the shape of a person - with no face. What kind of dream is that? Why would I even have a dream like that? I hope it never happens again. I'm glad Elijah was there to comfort me while I calmed down. 

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