Chapter thirty-three - Eleanor

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February 28th, 2023 Diary entry #26

Things between Elijah and I have been getting better. He's not on his computer as much, he's actually spending time with me - which is all I've been wanting. It's finally starting to feel like I have my husband back. Maybe everything I've been writing has seemed a little dramatic, but I was truly scared for a while. I don't even really know exactly what I was scared of, just that I didn't like the way he was acting. But whatever it was, I'm happy it seems to be behind us.

He even got a promotion at work and he's going to be making nearly an extra $8,000 per year. He even managed to convince me to quit my dog walking job... It was bitter sweet, as I had been there for so long, but imagine a life where I didn't have to work? I'm nearly 31 years old, I'm married, my husband makes great money, we're saving up to buy a house, maybe even start a family in the near future. I don't see much more longevity at that place and I'm happy to be home and relax, maybe even pick up a hobby or two. Here's to being a housewife! Haha. 

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