★ Manic ★

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"Cause i wanna feel like ,,

"I'm supposed to,,

Elhora's Pov:
I narrowed my eyes at him anticipating whatever he was going to say.
"He's been diagnosed with Manic Depressive Illness.He experiences Episodes of High's And lows."

As Bill shared Tom's secret with me, a part of my heart cracked,i furrowed my brows in confusion.
"How long has this been going on for?" I whispered, Bill glanced at me before answering "As long as I can remember,Ever since our parents passed.He's been needing medical help,The doctors had suggested to take him to a psychiatric hospital but..."

Bill's voice trailed off, leaving us in an uncomfortable silence. "But what about now? What do we do?" I whispered softly,my mind spinning with possibilities.
"We've tried everything," Bill confessed miserably. "He doesn't respond to most treatments,and honestly, Elhora I don't know how to help him."

"There has to At least be something that helps even a little bit-"
He sighed deeply, looking at me with a mix of sadness and helplessness. "He stopped taking treatment a few years ago.I thought it would help him gain better control, but it backfired.Elhora you're probably the only one who can help him right now," Bill whispered softly.

My heart sank as I took in the severity of the situation, "I don't know if I can help him."I murmured quietly.

"How am I supposed to help him when he's so goddamn stubborn?"I asked frustratedly.

"I know you can, you're strong enough."He paused, gathering his thoughts before speaking again. "Start by talking to him,try to understand what's going on in his head.make him feel heard."

I scoffed,"Cmon Bill you know how Tom is.He never let's anyone in,let alone help him."

Bill grimaced, understanding the predicament all too well. "I know... but you're different,Elhora. I know he sees something in you,something that makes him want to open up.Even if you don't see it i do."
"Promise me you'll try."
Gulping down a deep breath, I nodded resolutely. "I promise," I whispered,feeling more determined.

As Bill retreated back to his room,the silence in the house settled, I felt a knot forming in my stomach.the gravity of the situation hitting me harder with each passing moment. What if I failed? What if I couldn't break through Tom's shell and help him find some peace?

: .・゜-: :-  -: :-゜・.

Abruptly Bill came out of his room throwing a jacket on,"I have to go to some meeting,Gustav will be home soon."He confirmed before shutting the front door.

At Bill's departure,I decided to get up and clean up the  broken pieces of plates scattered all over the floor,"I'm gonna become a nut case the longer i stay here."
Was this really what my life had come to?trying to keep everything together amidst Tom's fits? episodes?
A heavy sigh escaped me as I tossed the broken plates in the bin. it wasn't fair, but I couldn't just run away from our problems.

To Have And To Hassle - Tom KaulitzWhere stories live. Discover now