★ Self Control ★

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"My love is vengeance ,,

"That's never free,,

His eyes narrowed at sight of the worker sliding a piece of paper in Elhora's hand,his anger quickly bubbling up inside him. "What do you think you're doing?"he growled,looking down at her before grabbing the paper, 'call me,Luke 0567 908 103'. His nose flared before darting his eyes to Luke "Stay away from her,otherwise you'll fucking regret it."He snarled, he grabbed Elhora and dragged her out of the cafe leading her to a dark alleyway.

His's grip tightened on Elhora's arm as he slammed her against the wall,his anger quickly overtaking him. "Why?"he growled lowly,"i thought we were finally getting along,so why!"
He repeated desperately,Tightening his grip around her wrist. His heart racing from mix emotions - desire, lust, jealousy.

He took deep breaths in an attempt to calm himself down while staring at Elhora intently searching for any signs contrition or guilt on her face but found none whatsoever which only made his blood boil even more fiercely inside him.
She glared at him struggling under his grip,"Can't you deal with shit like a normal human being!"she spat.

Tom felt his fists clench tightly at his side,his eyes blazing with anger and jealousy. "I am dealing with it just fine,"he yelled,"It's you who needs to learn some self-control." And before Elhora a had chance to respond, he turned on heel stalking off leaving her standing there alone contemplating their tumultuous relationship - she angrily followed after him,
"Your really calling me a whore?"she yelled with venom as blood coursed through her veins.

Tom  felt his blood boil at sound Elhora's voice echoing through the empty alleyway ,his anger quickly overtaking him. "I never said that,"he snapped roughly
"But if you keep flirting with other guys, that's exactly what you'll become to me." His words hung heavy in air between them – a stark reminder just how volatile their relationship truly was despite what they've shared together.

"I wish my father never chose you!"she screamed,"fucking poor excuse of a husband!"She yelled pushing his buttons as she held back her tears.

Tom's eyes narrowed at Elhora yelling across from him, his anger quickly bubbling up inside him. Without hesitation, he turned on heel dragging her forcefully into the nearby hotel room where they were staying together. Once behind closed doors, His heart pounded erratically in his chest as he glared intensely down at Elhora who stood trembling before him.

"fine you want it?" He asked coldly,Tom lunged forward seizing hold on both of her wrists in strong grip, his eyes blazing with passion and desire. "Are you that fucking desperate?" He spat through his teeth.
"Because if so i can fucking help you with that."He yelled with anger coursing through him, His words implied deeply within the intensity as their gazes locked onto each other.
there was no denying how much control they truly had over one another despite seemingly opposite personalities.

His lips crashed down onto hers,"Tom,"She groaned in disgust.

One hand slid up underneath her shirt,teasingly skimming along Elhora's smooth skin of her stomach before moving higher until it cupped delicately around her perfectly formed breast through the thin fabric bra. Meanwhile the other hand slipped lower,grasping firmly at her waistband as he began tugging them down slowly but surely revealing more and more tempting skin each passing moment.
She tried to push him away but he was double her weight,

"Fuck off!"she demanded,gasping for air as he broke their kiss.

Tom felt a wave of anger wash over him as he heard her words echoing through the room. Without hesitation,he slapped her and tugged firmly onto her hair before throwing her onto the floor with an audible thud.
"You ungrateful whore,"He retorted,
"You can take up offers on fucking other guys but can't with your own husband?" He scoffed in disbelief Whilst His voice trailed off bitterly as he turned sharply walking away from her leaving behind empty promised love tainted by painful heartbreak once again.

: .・゜-: :-  -: :-゜・.
"To have and to hassle,,
Thats the end of the sixth chapter,sorry it took me like 30 minutes trying to find a longer loop but i couldn't😭
i hope you enjoyed it 💟

To Have And To Hassle - Tom KaulitzWhere stories live. Discover now