★ A Thousand Possibilities ★

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As Elhora's tears quieted down, Tom felt a wave of peace wash over him. Sitting there, holding Elhora close, he reached for his phone. Sending out a brief message to Gustav and Bill, letting them know about Georg. "Tell me if he comes back home," Tom wrote, the weight of responsibility bearing down on him. They needed to protect themselves now.
Pressing 'send' as his thoughts filled with a new sense of urgency and purpose,they had a long road ahead of them.But he'd do anything to keep Elhora safe.No matter what.

Elhora stirred slightly as Tom gently caressed her hair.she tightened her legs around his waist as she pulled him closer,
"Tom," she whispered softly, sensing his concern. "Do you think I'm actually pregnant?" Her voice was hesitant, fear lacing every word. Tom felt a knot forming in his chest,sighing heavily as he felt a mix of emotions rushing through him.

He couldn't bear the thought of Elhora carrying another man's child.it was too much to handle, But at the same time, he didn't want to upset her.
they also needed to be sure before jumping to conclusions. "We should go get a test," he finally whispered softly, stroking her hair gently as he readjusted himself. "It's better to know for sure." Elhora nodded hesitantly as she got up from his lap slowly.

: .・゜-: ✧ :-  -: ✧ :-゜・.

As she saw her struggle to put on her clothes,He offered a helping hand and slipped her into some oversized jeans along with his jumper.

"After the pharmacy, we'll go get some groceries," he said, putting on his own clothes. They left the hotel, stepping out into the cold breeze,he wrapped his hand around her waist to offer some support.The pharmacy was a short walk away,they made their way there silently, both of them deep in thought.

: .・゜-: ✧ :-  -: ✧ :-゜・.

Inside the pharmacy, Tom searched for a pregnancy test kit while Elhora looked around curiously. He quickly found what he was looking for.making his way to the counter,His heart began to pound in his chest.

He tried to keep his emotions in check, not wanting to show any sign of the turmoil raging within him. As they walked back out of the pharmacy, Elhora holding the bag with the pregnancy test inside,she looked at him studying his face.Meanwhile Tom's mind raced with a thousand possibilities. What if she was pregnant? Would they be able to keep the baby safe? Could they raise a child in his world? His thoughts were interrupted by the sound of Elhora's voice. "I'm sorry," she murmured softly, her eyes downcast. "I should've stopped the-" Tom cut her off with a quick squeeze of her hand. "It's okay," he whispered reassuringly. "It wasn't your fault."

: .・゜-: ✧ :-  -: ✧ :-゜・.

As they approached a nearby supermarket, Tom nodded his head towards it, offering Elhora a reassuring smile. "Come on," he said softly, holding her hand tightly as they entered the brightly lit store. They browsed through the shelves in silence, selecting items that would last them for a few days. Tom tried to keep their shopping list practical,bread, milk, eggs.Mostly essentials since they mostly order meals.

He noticed Elhora staring at a small bundle of pregnancy test kits on one of the shelves and felt a pang of guilt deep within him. But he pushed those feelings aside,now was not the time to dwell when he needed to be there for her.

"Need anything else?"He asked looking at her,She glanced around the supermarket one more time, searching for anything else they might need. She shook her head gently, feeling a sense of relief."No," she murmured,grazing her thumb on the back of his hand. "This should be enough." Tom nodded in agreement.

As they approached the checkout counter, Tom's mind suddenly remembered he forgot to get drinks. "Wait here," he muttered, leaving Elhora by the cart and heading towards the drink aisle. He scanned the shelves quickly, searching for cola and Orange fanta, grabbing a six-pack of each.
He walked back through the aisles,Catching a glimpse of Rachael looking through items on the shelves.He felt an unexpected rush of anger and frustration at her presence. "Fuck," he swore softly under his breath, trying to decide on what to do next. Should he confront her? Or should he leave her be, and deal with her later? Eventually he made up his mind and hurried back to Elhora.

Tom's smile was a bit forced as he held up the orange fanta, trying to push his thoughts about Rachael aside.
"Your favourite."He smiled softly.
"Thanks," she whispered offering him a smile.He noticed elhora looking at him curiously but decided not to delve into what had just happened,it wasn't something she needed to know right now.

He paid for their groceries swiftly and began stuffing the items into plastic bags.Once they had all the items arranged in the bags,Tom swiftly picked them up nudging elhora to the exist.

: .・゜-: ✧ :-  -: ✧ :-゜・.

As they stepped out of the elevator, Tom walked towards their room at the end of the hallway. "Come on," he grunted softly, unlocking the door and stepping inside with Elhora close behind him.

As Tom set the bags down,Elhora grabbed the pregnancy test kit and took a stick.Walking over to the bathroom and closing the door behind her.
She opened the box of pregnancy tests and followed the instructions carefully. Her heart pounding loudly in her chest as she waited anxiously for the results, hoping fervently that it would bring good news.

In her mind,She wasn't ready for a baby at all,she knew she wouldn't be able to handle it let alone tom.

: .・゜-: ✧ :-  -: ✧ :-゜・.

as he heard Elhora's pained sobs,He gently pushed open the door.finding her leaned against the counter with her hand covering her mouth as tears streamed down her face. "Elhora," he murmured softly, wrapping his arms around her tightly as she buried herself in his embrace.
"I'm pregnant Tom."

: .・゜-: :-  -: :-゜・.
"To have and to hassle,,
Thats the end of the fifty-third chapter.i know this chapter was rushed but i hope you enjoyed it 💟
Also thank you so much for 10k Reads,Ily guys sm🥹💕

To Have And To Hassle - Tom KaulitzWhere stories live. Discover now