★ Keep Your Attention On Me ★

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"you're so crazy ,

        "Manipulate me,,

As they entered the club, he kept his arm around her waist possessively, making sure everyone knew that she belonged to him.
"like it here?" His voice dripping with sarcasm as he led her towards their table where drinks were waiting for them.

She glared at him,Giving nothing but the silent treatment.

Tom took a seat in the booth, his eyes never leaving Elhora as she sat down next to him. He couldn't help but appreciate how stunning she looked in this setting.he pulled his gaze away from her,And focused on the two guys."so what are you guys here for?"Tom asked.
"Well a new rising gang has seemed to be out for you guys,To increase their amount of attention and to overthrow you guys."One of them spoke

He listened intently to the conversation between his group and their associates, his eyes occasionally flickering back towards his hand on Elhora's Thigh. He loved how she could set him on fire with just a look or a touch.
"Tell me more about this new rival gang," he said casually, already planning ways to take them down.

Tom leaned in, his voice dropping to a low growl. "I want information on their movements, their weaknesses, anything that could give us an edge." He glanced at at the others.
"And make sure it's reliable," He warned sternly.
"We can't afford any mistakes this time around." The two men nodded,"We'll be sure to inform you when we get enough information."
One of the men gave their personal phone number,Tom accepted the number, his eyes never leaving Elhora. She was like a drug to him,he couldn't get enough of her.

: .・゜-: :-  -: :-゜・.

"you behaved well," He whispered softly in her ear before getting up from the booth with the rest."Let's head out," Tom instructed the others as they exited the club amidst whispers and stares.

"Can We head out to dinner now?"Gustav asked.

Tom nodded in agreement, his hand resting possessively on Elhora's lower back. "Sure," The rest of the group nodding before heading back to their cars.

As Tom helped Elhora into the car,He found Her eyes glued on their left.
He watched as Georg roughly pushed Jade into the car, his eyes darkening with anger.
He got into the car "What would you like to eat?" His voice casual.
"I don't know."Her eyes glued on Georg's car.

"What do you mean you don't know?" He snarled,"Make a decision," He demanded harshly.

"You can choose anything you want."she muttered with a hint of annoyance in her voice.

Tom narrowed his eyes at Elhora's request, sensing an ulterior motive behind it.
"Fine," He relented eventually, starting the car. "But keep your attention on me,"He growled.

"It is Tom."She sighed looking out at the window as the car sped through the city.

Tom glared at Elhora, her dismissive attitude only making him more determined to break her. He would show her who was in control here.
"It better be." He muttered under his breath.

: .・゜-: :-  -: :-゜・.

Tom stepped out of the car, followed by Elhora.He reached out his hand to her and she took it,"Let's go," He urged impatiently before leading the way into the restaurant,following the others.
As they sat down at their table Tom couldn't help but smirk as her watched bill unable to take his eyes off of her.He knew he had won when it came to her.
"What would you like to eat?" He asked casually,ignoring Bill.

"I'll have Alfredo pasta."She pointed at the menu.

Tom leaned in towards Elhora,He nodded before placing their order with the waiter.
his lips brushing against her ear,"You look beautiful tonight," He purred softly as he took a sip of his drink.

"Thanks babe."she faked smiled and looked at across from her,Seeing jade zoned out as Georg had a tight grip on her shoulder.

Tom raised an eyebrow at her sudden shift in demeanor, but decided to play along for now. He knew she was only putting on a show.

: .・゜-: ✧ :-  -: ✧ :-゜・.

As their food had arrived,The group engulfed it as they made several jokes among them,Tom eventually joining in whilst Elhora and Jade was just focused on their plates.

After an hour of banter and chatter they had finally finished up and called over the waiter for the check,"Let's go," He stood up abruptly, nodding towards their car waiting outside.

Elhora's eyes met Jade's before Tom pulled her up with force,"Cmon."He snarled into her ear,
"Let go."She gritted her teeth.
"How about you stop having all your attention on jade huh?"He growled throwing her into the car.
She groaned in pain at her bruised arm.

: .・゜-: :-  -: :-゜・.
"To have and to hassle,,
Thats the end of the twenty-first chapter.i hope you enjoyed it 💟

To Have And To Hassle - Tom Kaulitzजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें