★ Just Tell Her I'm Fine ★

397 11 9

"I'll be yours ,,

        " And you'll be mine,,

Since the group had arrived at the hospital,Elhora had been calling non stop.
Bill groans "Tom can i just answer her?"he asks eyeing tom.
Tom's eyes snapped open instantly upon hearing Bill 's voice,"No,"He murmured,
"Let it ring."

"Tom,"Gustav Paused "She's probably really worried about you." Tom scoffed,"Fine,"He muttered roughly enough,turning to look at him with cold dead eyes devoid emotion whatsoever."Do it then."

Bill nodded and reluctantly picked up, putting the phone on speaker. "could've waited any longer?"Elhora said with sarcasm in her voice,"Look bill,Where is tom?"She asked desperately.

Tom's heart pounded against his ribcage as he heard Elhora' s voice echoing through the room,his eyes flickering towards bill instinctively. "He's fine," Bill muttered into the speaker,"Now if you don't mind we have other things to deal with."Bill said coldly,

Before bill could hang up Elhora screamed through the phone,"Where the fuck is he!"

Tom's anger escalated, his grip tightening around the bed handle almost unconsciously. "Make her fucking stop,"He snarled
"Just tell her I'm fine, alright?"
Bill rolled his eyes "well your fucking wife is clearly not understanding that your alright."he growled lowly,covering the speaker.
As he removed his hand from the speaker he brung his mouth to it "Tom's fine Elhora,Get some rest."He said not letting her finish as he hung up.

"How the fuck do you deal with her."

Tom glared his eyes into his, "don't make me put a bullet through your fucking head."

"Yeah yeah,I'm going to get you clean clothes and other stuff from ur hotel room alright?"Bill said as he stood up.

Tom's eyes narrowed slightly upon hearing Bill 's words, "Don't worry about it,"He murmured.
"Just do what you gotta do."
Bill shook his head,"I'm gonna get your stuff,"

"Don't overdo it,"He snarled,"And make sure Elhora doesn't follow you."

Bill rushed into the shared bedroom grabbing a duffel bag with clean clothes,a towel and other needed stuff.
Elhora came rushing to bill's side,"Bill, take me to tom!"she nagged.
Bill had continued ignoring her completely as he finished packing up tom's stuff,As he was zipping up the bag,Elhora had grabbed onto bill's arm desperately "please."Tears started welling up in her eyes,Bill felt a tad bit bad for her,He groaned "Tom's gonna fucking kill me."He said under his breath.

: .・゜-: :-  -: :-゜・.

Tom's eyes burned into hers,"Fucking hell,"He growled,his eyes flickering towards her for a brief moment before looking away once more. "Get.Out."

"Tom,"She embraced him into a hug,He felt vulnerable in-front of her and he absolutely hated it.

"Stop it,"He muttered roughly enough so only Elhora could hear clearly over the sounds of silence all around them right now., his body stiffening at her touch. "Just let me be alone for a while alright?"
Bill,gustav and Georg had already left.

"Tom,"she searched in his eyes"are you sure you don't want anything?"placing her hand over his.

"Yes."He spat,turning away from her with clear disinterest. "I said,just leave me alone for a while alright?"

"Fine."she spat bitterly as she placed the bag of his stuff beside him,As she had saw he had closed his eyes she decided to settle in the hard uncomfortable chair next to the bed,"This'll do i guess,"she murmured under her breath.

: .・゜-: :-  -: :-゜・.

An hour had passed and the group had finally retreated,"Hey we could only buy you fast food since it's 1am,"Georg claimed placing a McDonald's bag on tom's bed.
Bill walked over placing his hand on his shoulder,"We need to head back to the hotel to deal with stuff alright?"
Tom nodded,"Don't do anything fucking stupid." his body tense at the thought of having to deal with Elhora.

Tom cleared his throat,"Wake up."He muttered, his voice cold and distant.

"Mm?"she moaned,slowly opening her eyes.

"Here."He said coldly,his hand gesturing towards the food before pulling away just as quickly.

"Oh,thank you."she smiled,taking a few fries.

He examined her closely,his eyes never leaving her face for even a second.

She glanced over at the clock,"Hey,It's 2am you should get some rest."

"No."he said brushing her off,his eyes narrowing at the thought of their previous memory of them,Of Elhora and Luke.

"Tom.."She whispered,

turning away from her with clear disinterest. "I'll sleep when I want to."

"Fine,"she said bitterly,

: .・゜-: :-  -: :-゜・.
"To have and to hassle,,
Thats the end of the Ninth chapter.
i hope you enjoyed it 💟

To Have And To Hassle - Tom KaulitzWhere stories live. Discover now