★ A Monster Like Me ★

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"however far away ,,

"I will always love you,,

a faint noise drew my attention. The door rattled softly,My neck throbbed in pain as I lifted my head up.
Confusion turned into dread as I tried to remember what had happened,but everything felt vague and distant, like a bad dream slowly slipping away.
My eyes widened as i watched in horror as georg and the others dragged Her into the room,watching as they threw her against the couch.I watched her face closely noticing she was unconscious,Georg walked up to me,"You're lucky," he muttered menacingly. "You get to watch." My blood ran cold at his words,"Don't you dare fucking touch her!" I bellowed, my voice trembling with fury. My eyes were filled with tears,I couldn't watch them ruin her all over again.

George smirked at me, his laughter cold and cruel before motioning towards one of his men. "Take care of her,"Georg ordered"We need to go take care of the others."he said before gesturing the other two men towards the door.
The man moved closer to Elhora, running a hand possessively over her silky hair as she whimpered softly,still unconscious.

I clenched my fists tightly, wishing I could do something.anything,to stop him from stripping Elhora bare.he watched me as
His hands lingered on her skin, trailing down from her neck to her collarbone. My heart was hammering in my chest as he continued to unclip her bra,letting it fall.

Elhora's outcry made me flinch,a sudden surge of fury filling me.He continued watching me almost like he was daring me to do something about it.

My voice trembled with rage as I shouted at the man, my words dripping with venom. "I'll fucking rip you into shreds if you touch her!" I was shaking uncontrollably, my heart pounding in my chest.
But the man just laughed, his eyes cold and unfeeling. "You're pathetic," he sneered. "You think you can protect her?" He moved closer to Elhora, his hand trailing lightly down her stomach. I felt my blood boil as I watched, helpless to do anything but scream in impotent rage.

I felt like a pathetic coward as i closed my eyes shut.I just prayed and prayed this was all just a bad dream,I flinched as i heard her scream in sheer horror.I knew this was all my fault,if only I didn't fall for Georg's trap maybe i would've-

My stomach churned with dread as I heard a thud followed by yelling in pain.
I opened my eyes slowly, watching as horror spread across Elhora's features. She had done it,she had somehow managed to stab him. His screams were bloodcurdling as the knife sliced deeply into his heart.I watched her as tears streamed down her face,
I tried to speak, to say something that would comfort her, but my voice caught in my throat. All I could do was stare in horror as the men continued to bleed out on the floor.I was in disbelief that Elhora could do something like that.

Her eyes darted towards me,"Tom?"she stared at my torso in horror, tears streaming down her face as she realized the extent of my injuries. "It's alright," I whispered hoarsely. "I'm fine." She rushed towards me. cutting me loose from the rope, her knife flickering against the air as she moved swiftly.

I stayed silent, watching as Elhora cried softly,"i'm sorr-"attempting to hold her hands but she pushed them away.
"How could you?"She spat,her words felt like cuts to my heart, every syllable a bitter reminder of my carelessness. "You had to go and put yourself in harm's way," she muttered angrily, her voice trembling with frustration. She wiped away her tears using the back of her hand before staring at me defiantly. "Stupid! Just plain stupid!"
Her eyes bore into mine as if she's challenging me to understand how much pain I had caused her, My heart was heavy as I looked at her.unable to find the right words to justify my actions or apologize.
But i knew I blamed myself for everything,for ruining Elhora's life, for putting her in danger.

As she continued venting about my careless actions,Tears pricked at the corners of my eyes as I tried to console her, but my words felt hollow and meaningless in the face of her pain.I wanted to know why she still even cared for me,Why she risked her life for me?I mean why?

I stood up abruptly,My movements jerky and unsteady. "Why did you save me, Elhora?" I whispered hoarsely, my voice breaking. "This is my fate,I'm supposed to die. So why did you save me?"
I shook my head violently, trying to push away the thoughts that were tormenting me. "You should hate me, Elhora. Resent me! So fucking tell me why!" My voice rose to a deafening roar as tears streamed down my face. "Why would you risk your life for a monster like me?"

Elhora stared at me helplessly, tears streaming down her face as she struggled for an answer. "I... I don't know," she whispered softly, her eyes filled with confusion and pain, I could feel my heart swelling in my chest. "no matter what, my heart still wants you,craves for you,and I don't fucking know why."

Her voice trailed off as she choked back another sob,but before she could finish her thoughts, I cupped her face gently in my hands and pulled her close to me. Our lips met in a desperate kiss,fuelled by raw emotions.I felt her pull me in desperately, her body melting against mine as she consumed me completely. I felt a fire ignite within me,A Burning Desire.
"Fuck Elhora, you don't know what you do to me," I muttered under my breath, shaking my head as I gazed into her eyes.
And then it happened,the words spilled out of my mouth like a confession from deep within my heart. "I love you, Elhora."

Elhora stared at me blankly, but instead of pushing me away or denying what she heard, she simply leaned in closer.
I moved a strand of hair out of her face before capturing her lips in another passionate kiss. She felt so right against me,our bodies fitting together like two missing puzzle pieces. All the anger and frustration that once plagued us evaporated in that moment, replaced by an intense hunger for one another.But i also knew deep down that a monster like me should never fall inlove with a girl like her.

: .・゜-: :-  -: :-゜・.
"To have and to hassle,,
Thats the end of the fifty-ninth chapter.i hope you enjoyed it 💟

To Have And To Hassle - Tom KaulitzWhere stories live. Discover now