★ Torn Apart ★

327 11 9

"I live Day By day,,

"Fightin' Demons,,

As Tom slowly pushed open the door to Room 328, he felt his entire world stop spinning for just a moment there.Bill,Gustav And Georg looked on.
Bill giving a slight smile before Tom Slowly but surely, made his way over towards her bedside,gently brushing aside one of Elhora's unruly locks from where it had fallen across her forehead before reaching out even further until his fingertips finally touched against hers.

"Elhora," He whispered hoarsely against her ear, feeling a shiver run down his spine at the sheer intimacy of it all. "Wake up."And just like that,with one small, almost imperceptible movement on Elhora's part everything changed.
His brown eyes lit up as he nervously anticipated on her waking up,A warm smile Spreading across his face.But It wasn't what he expected.Not at all.

All Elhora could see when she looked up at him was a monster lurking behind those cruel brown eyes,intent on causing her nothing but hurt and suffering even more.
Her eyes widened,As she screamed in sheer horror.

"Elhora, please," Tom begged softly despite the fact that she was clearly in too much pain  to listen right now. "It's me...Tom."But no matter how many times he tried saying those words aloud,repeating them over and over again It managed to make her screams worsen.
As she continued fighting against him with every ounce of strength left inside her fragile body,the heart monitor had began beeping faster by the second,He couldn't help but feel torn apart from the inside out.

He grabbed onto her shoulders roughly,"Stop Fucking yelling!"He growled.

Beginning to breathe heavily she mustered up the courage to yell,"Rap-"

Tom managed to cover her mouth before she could finish.
"I wouldn't do anything to hurt you,Elhora."
But of course she didn't believe him,not after what he had done to her. And honestly? How could he really blame her for that? Because no matter how much he might want things between them to change somehow,the truth remained stubbornly unchanged still.He was a monster,always would be.
Standing over her shaking her roughly by the shoulders he yelled,"Fucking stop!"He snarled.

Tom backed up as he watched in horror as Elhora's entire body started shaking uncontrollably, the nurses rushed over towards her bedside with an urgency that was both palpable and heartbreaking all at once, he couldn't help but feel lost again.
His heart sank as he watched Elhora lose control over her own body right there in front of him. all hope seemed to drain away along with the last drops of color from an already bleak day.
With one final glance back at Elhora, still convulsing violently,The nurse walked over to him.

"Sir you need to leave now."The nurse demanded,pushing them out as the heart monitor slowed.
Tom's eyes widened,"What the fuck happened!"He yelled hoarsely before having the door slammed in his face.
"Fucking let me in!"He yelled banging on the door.He couldn't help but feel lost once more. No matter which way he turned now,it always ended up leading straight back here again.To pain,loss,regret.

His heart skipped a beat at the sound of Ehora's voice,raw and desperate yet still somehow managing to pierce right through him,"Elhora!"He began slamming his fists against the door.
"I'm sorry, sir but you're not on the approved visitor list for Mrs Kaulitz." The nurse stated on the other side of the door.
His eyebrows furrowed,narrowing his eyes at her.
"What do you mean,I'm her husband for fucks sake!"He roared,Continuing to bang on the door,The nurse walked away from the door and went back to assist the others with Elhora.Tom continued repeatedly slamming his hands on the window,"I need to see her."But no matter how much he pleaded or begged,none of it seemed to make any difference at all in the end.

Bill and the others could only sit there helplessly watching everything fall apart around them once more.

Tom slumped down against the wall,feeling lost without even realizing quite how far down the path they truly were now.

But no matter how much he might want to pretend otherwise now,the truth remained unchanged still.He was responsible for all of this.

: .・゜-: ✧ :-  -: ✧ :-゜・.

As Tom made his way back home again, he couldn't help but wonder if maybe it really was time for him to finally face up to his mistakes once and for all.

: .・゜-: :-  -: :-゜・.
"To have and to hassle,,
Thats the end of the thirty-seventh chapter.sorry for not updating, I hope you enjoyed it 💟

To Have And To Hassle - Tom KaulitzWhere stories live. Discover now