★ Tainted With Sorrow ★

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"Remember ,,

"To me you'll be forever sacred,,

pounding footsteps echoed through the house, growing louder with each passing second. Bill's shouts eventually filled the air,as he yelled after him.

As i dash out of the room,Georg makes his way to the direction of his car. As he sped off,My anger turns into raw adrenaline,before i can think i grabbed my gun and fired it at the back of georg's car. "Fuck!" I bellow in frustration, turning around to rush towards my own vehicle.
My heart is pounding as I fumble with my keys,every second counts now as i need to catch up to him before it's too late.

feeling a arm cling onto me i turned to Elhora, her eyes full of worry. "Please Tom," she pleads softly, trying to pull me back. "You're gonna hurt yourself." I glance at her for a brief second before clenching my jaw and gripping onto the car door tighter.
She's been through hell and back because of Georg, I just couldn't let him get away with it.

"I'll be back Elhora," I whisper softly, running my fingers through her silky hair. I press a tender kiss to her forehead before looking over at Bill and Gustav standing behind her. With a subtle nod, the message clear in my eyes  'Take care of her.'
They both offer reassuring smiles as i took a final glance back at her before getting in the car.

Elhora's Pov:
Everything seems distorted while the tears blurred my sight as Tom's car disappeared into the horizon. An overwhelming sense of dread seizes me, I knew this was a bad idea, a mistake.things were going to spiral out of control, and it frightened me.
Gustav walks over by my side,placing his hand on my shoulder before pulling me close, drawing our bodies in a comforting hug.

each second was drawing him farther away. I needed him,But why?He was also the cause of why my life turned out this way.Why my body is wounded by scars.So why did i need him,Depend on him?Why was i homed in on him?How was it fair that the only chances of my baby will either belong to a rapist or a rapist?
I held on tighter to gustav as the tears sting my eyes,My voice chokes as I sob loudly, "It's all my fault."

Tom's Pov:
My heart clenches painfully as I glance at Elhora in the rearview mirror, watching her stand there helpless. how did things spiral out of control so badly?Why didn't i protect her?Why did she have to be the one to endure the consequences of my actions?because of me her life has become tainted with sorrows. it all started with my anger and stupidity,an impulse that spiraled out of control, dragging her down with me into my own misery.The weight of guilt and regret crush my soul as I murmur, "It's all my fault,"

I rolled down the window letting the cool breeze hit me as I bit my lip trying to stop from the tears flowing down.
"I'll make him pay,"I growled with determination as i pressed down harder on the gas pedal.

: .・゜-: :-  -: :-゜・.
"To have and to hassle,,
Thats the end of the fifty-fifth chapter.I wrote these chapters at 4am so sorry if they were shit,but i hope you enjoyed it 💟

To Have And To Hassle - Tom KaulitzWhere stories live. Discover now