★ More Harm Than Good ★

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"Scared of revealing,,

        "The image is peeling,,

Tom quickly regained control of himself, his heart pounding in his chest as he realized what had just happened. He knew Elhora was somewhere stuck between reality and her twisted nightmare.

: .・゜-: :-  -: :-゜・.

"Fuck!" He yelled out desperately as he rushed in the house."fucking help me move her out of the car!"His voice masked with fear for a moment before regaining it's usual cold edge.

Georg, Gustav and Bill hurried over to Tom, their eyes widening in concern at the sight of Elhora lying unconscious in his car. Together, they lifted her gently out of the vehicle and carried her inside the house.
"Get some blankets," Tom ordered sharply as he knelt down beside her,laying unconsciously on their bed.
"And get me some fucking bandages." his voice shaky,He knew better than anyone else how easily things could spin out of control between them,but this time he knew it was completely different,He didn't know if things would ever go back to before.

: .・゜-: ✧ :-  -: ✧ :-゜・.

Several moments later Gustav came in with the requested supplies.Handing them over,Tom quickly yet carefully wrapping the open wound from her head and her wrist.Feeling Gustav's eyes boring at him,Attempting to ignore him as he adjusted her pillow and covered her with a blanket.Turning around seeing Gustav still glaring at him,"What did you do to her?"He questioned angrily.

"I..." Tom hesitated, his throat tight with guilt and shame. "It's not what you think."He couldn't bring himself to tell him the truth,He would never understand or forgive him for this.
"She just got a little carried away," He lied quickly, trying to force down the emotions churning inside of him. "She'll be fine."

Gustav scoffed with his arms crossed,"I'll found out the truth eventually Tom."he said Before slamming the door.

He sat vigilantly beside Elhora as she slept, his mind racing with thoughts of what might happen next. He couldn't shake the feeling that this was all just a part of their twisted fate,"What am i going to do now?" Tom whispered desperately under his breath. "How can i fix this mess without causing more harm than good?"He knew there were no easy answers,only tough choices and even harder consequences. And in their world where death and betrayal lurked around every corner,he wondered if things could ever work out.

: .・゜-: :-  -: :-゜・.
"To have and to hassle,,
Thats the end of the thirty-second chapter.I wasn't quite sure how to write this out but i hope you enjoyed it 💟

To Have And To Hassle - Tom KaulitzWhere stories live. Discover now