★ So Naive ★

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"You just made the worst mistake,,

"And you'll regret it, darling,,

Tom watched her sleep for a moment, his heart twisting painfully in his chest. She looked so peaceful almost angelic with those big brown eyes closed and soft full lips slightly parted."Wake up," He commanded roughly. "We need to talk."

She simply ignored him,facing the other way.

"I said wake up!" Tom snarled, shaking her roughly by the shoulders. "We can't afford to have you moping around like some lovesick schoolgirl all day." He had never been one for showing his emotions,It was safer that way. But he could feel himself starting to lose control now.this constant battle of wills with Elhora wearing him down more and more each passing moment.

Trying not to cry once again she groggily got up,Looking at Tom with her sorrow red eyes.
'How?'She thought to herself,'How can he act and look completely fine after everything?'She questioned herself.
Suddenly the door opened,Rachael came in tiredly.
"Tommy I need you,"She pouts.

"Fucking annoying bitch," Tom muttered under his breath. Rachael may have been young and naive, but she was also determined in her pursuit of him a fact that he found both infuriating and oddly flattering at the same time.
"Now get lost," He growled when she continued to pester him with her childish antics. "I've got more important things to worry about than playing nursemaid to some bratty little girl."

Tom turned back towards Elhora then, feeling an unwelcome flicker of sympathy for how alone and abandoned she must be feeling right now."You chose it to be this way," He reminded her harshly.

"Fuck you."She said under her breath.

"What did you just say?" Tom demanded, his voice like ice. "Because I'm pretty sure I heard you correctly the first time."He didn't like being disrespected,not by anyone least of all Elhora who had once meant so much more to him than this pathetic shell of a person she had become.
"Apologize," He commanded curtly. "And then maybe we can start seeing eye to eye again."

She scoffed,"You really think I'll apologise to a monster like you?"She asked mockingly,shaking her head in disbelief.

"You're really testing my patience here, Elhora," Tom said quietly,He could feel the anger rising inside him now,
"So let me make this clear for you one last time,apologise," He warned ominously before grabbing her face making her look at him.

"I said no!"She spat,Tom scoffed.Grabbing her harshly from the bed,dragging her outside not caring that she was half naked.

"Oh, I think you'll change your mind soon enough," Tom muttered darkly as he opened the door to his sleek black sports car. "Now get in."
Tired from her and this endless cycle of drama and emotional turmoil,she seemed determined to drag him down into with her.

: .・゜-: :-  -: :-゜・.

As she screamed for bill's help,He stood there watching everything unfold.
Seemingly no emotion plastered across his face

To Have And To Hassle - Tom KaulitzUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum