★ I like it when it's like this ★

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"but me and my husband,,

        "We're doing better,,

Tom finally returned to their hotel room late im the afternoon,his clothes stained with blood and his face covered in bruises from the fight not too long ago now. "It's done," he said softly,He lied.It was far from done,This was only the beginning.
"We can relax for a while longer before they come looking for us again though."

Elhora nodded silently understanding even though she knew better than anyone else just how precarious their situation really was right now no matter what Tom might think or say otherwise.

"You okay?" She asked trying to shrug off his violent gesture from earlier.

"I'm fine,"Tom replied gruffly,his eyes avoiding hers as he moved around room restlessly unable to sit still for even a moment longer.
He disappeared into the bathroom without another word.
: .・゜-: :-  -: :-゜・.

Tom finally emerged from bathroom after what felt like hours ,his clothes replaced by new ones clean and pressed to perfection .
"What do you want for dinner?" he asked casually,
"I know your hungry,You didn't eat breakfast."

Elhora nodded
"You can pick" She gave a slight smile,rubbing off the tension.

Tom smiled back, his eyes lingering on elhora for just a moment longer than necessary before turning away.
"Alright then,"he murmured,
"Just stay here."He ordered.

Tom returned to their hotel room with a bag of food from a nearby restaurant, his eyes avoiding Elhora as he set it down on the small table beside the big window. "Enjoy your meal," he muttered.
"I'll be out,call me if you need anything else..." As he turned around to leave,she called out,"Aren't you going to eat with me?"she asked,Maybe just for a moment they could act like a real married couple.
"I don't think that's such a good idea right now,"Tom replied coldly, his eyes still avoiding hers
"I don't have time- and neither of us can afford any distractions."
Elhora nodded "okay.." she whispered.

Tom closed the door behind him,leaving Elhora alone with her thoughts and feelings once more. He knew how much she cared about him - but he couldn't help but push her away,And he couldn't afford any distractions right now no matter how much it might hurt either one them.

: .・゜-: ✧ :-  -: ✧ :-゜・.

As he came back home late He watched Elhora sleep peacefully for a moment, his eyes filled with conflicting emotions he couldn't quite understand or control. On one hand, he wanted nothing more than protect her from all harm - but on other hand, he knew that sometimes he would have to make choices she wouldn't agree with... He sighed softly before taking off his clothes leaving just his boxers on as he got into bed next to her.

: .・゜-: ✧ :-  -: ✧ :-゜・.

Tom awoke slowly, his eyes opening gradually. He found Elhora buried into his chest - which was strange considering how things usually went between them both.He smiled softly,There would be plenty time later on to discuss things further when both their heads were clearer.for now though, he decided it was best if they simply enjoyed each other's company before everything else inevitably crashed down around them once more.

To Have And To Hassle - Tom KaulitzWhere stories live. Discover now