★ Mixed Emotions★

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"Look at us,,

"you and me back at it again,,

With cautious steps he entered the house,checking if everyone was asleep before making his way to their room.

In their room, Tom started packing some essential items for them both.Clothes, toiletries, and enough cash to last them a few weeks. He tried not to think about why she didn't want to come back here,Why they were doing this and why they had no choice but to leave.

As he had continued to pack, he added extra towels and pads to their bag. He knew that Elhora would need them,he packed as quickly and efficiently as possible.

As soon as he finished packing,he grabbed the bag, quietly making his way back to the car and Elhora.

As Tom approached Elhora's side,he gently opened the car door before kneeling in front of her. She stared back at him blankly, her eyes red and puffy from crying. "Elhora," he whispered quietly, gently cupping her cheek with his hand. "Everything's going to be alright. I'm not going to leave you. I won't let anything happen to you,Okay?" The tone of his voice was filled with quiet sincerity and assurance as he gazed into her eyes, doing everything in his power to calm her. Though she didn't say anything in response, Tom could see some of her fear easing away as his words sunk in.
She leaned her cheek against his palm, taking in the comfort of his warmth.

"Here,"he muttered quietly as he handed her some clean clothes he had packed, watching as she removed her torn clothes His heart broke at the sight of the bruises and cuts covering her skin,he wanted to kill whoever had done this to her.
As she winced in pain attempting to take her clothes off his hand reached out for hers,

"Hey," he softly murmured, gently handling the hem of her waistband. "Let me help."
With gentle hands, Tom began pulling them off trying not to aggravate any of her injuries. He paused when he noticed the cuts on her arms and legs, his breath hitching in his throat. He wanted to find out who did it,how and why,anything, But there was no point trying to force it out of her.

Once Elhora was dressed, Tom wrapped a warm, cozy jacket around her.She looked down at him, her eyes still red and puffy from crying,offering a small smile enough to make Tom's heart swell with mixed emotions.

"Are you ready?" he finally asked, his voice barely above a whisper. "We can go whenever you're ready."
Elhora nodded, taking a deep breath before carefully putting her feet inside the car.

He put their bag in the trunk, making sure everything was secure. then picking up Elhora's dirty clothes from the floor and throwing them into a nearby trash bin. As he climbed into the driver's seat. He glanced over at Elhora,She deserved a better life then this and he knew that.

: .・゜-: :-  -: :-゜・.

After what felt like hours,Tom finally pulled up to a hotel.As they walked inside, Tom had noticed Elhora's eyes widen in awe at the lobby. He couldn't help but smile at her reaction.

Finally, they arrived at their room.a cozy suite with a large bed, a living room area, and a private balcony with a breathtaking view. It was the most luxurious place he had ever stayed in, He helped her into the room, making sure she was comfortable before going to the balcony, taking in the view himself.

"Hey,Tom I'm gonna take a shower."She called out as she reached for a towel from the duffel bag,He turned around nodding watching the door close behind her.

: .・゜-: :-  -: :-゜・.

Hearing a loud thud coming from the shower,He rushed towards the bathroom with panic surging through him, seeing her clinging onto the glass shower window as she sobbed loudly.
"Hey Elhora,It's okay."His face etched with worry as he moved towards her,He pulled her out of the shower,cradling her close.
"Shh,"He whispered as he stroked her hair.It took everything in him to stifle his rage, the desire to find the person responsible for hurting her burning deep inside him.

With an impulsive decision, he began undressing himself and led her inside the shower.

She winced as the pressure of the water hit her bruises and cuts,"I know it hurts,"He reassuringly murmured before Wrapping one arm around her waist,and slowly began to wash her with his other hand. He wanted to heal her in any small way he could, trying to wash away all her pain with each caress.

he pressed a soft, tender kiss along her neck,a gentle touch that left goosebumps trailing across her skin. Elhora's eyes flickered shut as she leaned her head back into his chest, her breath hitching slightly as she let herself relax. The warmth of his touch wrapped around her created a safe space where she could momentarily forget her pain.

After the shower,he wrapped her in a towel as she took a few shaky steps towards the bedroom. Tom followed closely behind, helping her to get dressed. He noticed her flinching in pain as she walked over to the bed. With a frown, he grabbed the sweatpants from before, handing them to her. "Here, wear these," he said softly, trying to keep his voice calm. "You don't have to rush."

She nodded, slipping the sweatpants on. She still felt like she was moving in slow motion, every muscle protesting against her movements.
He watched her with an unreadable expression, his heart aching for the pain she had endured.He would put it upon himself if he could,Just to not let her suffer.He grabbed her t-shirt and pulled it over her head following it with a jacket.

: .・゜-: ✧ :-  -: ✧ :-゜・.

His strokes gentle whilst he brushed her damp hair as they were standing in-front of the bathroom mirror.After brushing her hair, Tom picked up a blow dryer, carefully drying Elhora's damp locks, his eyes locked on her face, trying to read her expressions. Once he had finished, he pulled her hair up into a bun, securing it loosely with a few bobby pins.
"Is that okay?"he looked at her through the mirror reflection,she nodded.
She didn't understand how he went from being an enemy to someone she depended on, but she couldn't deny the fact that, somehow, he was making a difficult situation more bearable.

Tom helped her climb into bed,sliding in next to her.gently stroking her hair,As he spooned her. "Goodnight," his voice barely above a whisper. Her heart swelled with a mix of hope and affection. For the first time since she'd known Tom, she saw a softer, more caring side of him.
"Goodnight Tom."She smiled to herself.

: .・゜-: :-  -: :-゜・.
"To have and to hassle,,
Thats the end of the fifty-first chapter. Ik these 3 chapters were boring and rushed but enjoy soft tom whilst it lasts🥰😘i hope you enjoyed it 💟

To Have And To Hassle - Tom KaulitzWhere stories live. Discover now