★ Misunderstanding ★

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"the fuck is this?" He barked, grabbing Elhora roughly pulling her away from Bill, causing pain to run through her body.,- "fucking bitch!"He yelled.
"I warned you to not fuck around and now your under the covers with my brother?"
Tightly reassuring his grip around her,

"Tom your misunderstanding ,"she struggled to get out.

"I warned you to not disobey me,"He growled before turning towards Bill.
"And you,I can't believe you'll be that desperate to go for my wife!"
"You let her get under your skin? Is that it?"He snarled,Blood boiling under his skin.

"Just let me fucking talk!"Bill yelled,finally silence.
"We didn't sleep together,Alright?"He spat through his teeth,Bill glanced at tom's neck he scoffed in disbelief.
"Where were you last night?"He pierced his eyes into his,clearly noticing he's tipsy and drunk.

"None of your business,"He harshly yelled,
"If you want to keep Elhora safe then stay the fuck away from her."His voice dripping with venom,As he clenched his fists.

"Then how about you stay loyal to your wife you fucking hypocrite!"Bill yelled testing Tom's patience.

"That's different," He growled lowly,

"You made a mistake,"He snarled,turning to Elhora as she was still against the wall with tears in her eyes.
"But I didn't."He murmured.

"So you fucking other girls isn't a mistake?"She retorted,

"No," He growled
"And I Don't see why it's any of your business."He spat with his jaw clenched,He wanted nothing more but to drag her to his room and show her how things really are around here.

"You better learn fast that there are things you can control and things you can't."He breathed.

"You fucking disgust me!"She screeched as she went to go swing,bill held her back.
"Elhora your gonna make it harder for yourself,"Bill whispered.
Tom grinned,"C'mon hit me."He challenged her
"I never wanted you anyway."He said looking deeply into her red eyes,He could tell she's been crying all night.
And he absolutely loved that he was effecting her that greatly,He decided to push her limits more."But since your father is such an important ally, I figured saving his business would benefit us both."His Voice confident but harsh.
Elhora just looked at his cold eyes,That were once honey brown to now black.
"Cause if I were to pick a wife, she would be up to my standards." He spat,"and you clearly don't reach up to them."
Her breaking point reached,This wasn't how she wanted her marriage.
She always wanted it to be with someone she loved and trusted,

"And it's time you learn the rules around here and obey them,"He said as he watched her tear trickle down her face, "Because if not,Well your father will find himself in a difficult position."He grinned widely,He loved when she fell apart like this.
"Fuck you,"She choked back on her tears,
"You clearly aren't understanding anything Elhora!"He went to go grab her before bill gripped his hand,
"Just remember - one wrong move and everything falls apart."He snarled before leaving the room.

As soon as Tom left the room She broke down into tears,
"Don't worry about him," He comforted her,
"He doesn't know what he's talking about."He said looking deeply into her teary eyes,He fucking hated his brother more then anything right now.
"Bill,Did you hear what he just said to me?"she sniffed,wiping the tears off her cheeks.

Bill just wanted her to be safe and okay,But She'll never in Tom's care,And unfortunately that's the truth

"He's just trying to scare you," Bill said trying to reassure her,
"And honestly? You're anything but below his standards."He gave a warm smile whilst rubbing her back as she avoided eye contact.
He grabbed her chin gently making her face him, "You're fierce and beautiful everything he could ever want or need,Let alone Any guy who would ever want or need."
He sat down beside her on the hard wooden floor,
"Tom doesn't show his emotions very well,But He wasn't always like this."He stared off into the distance,Then looking back at Elhora crying silently.
He reached out for her hair and tucked it behind her ear,causing her to face him.
"And trust me - if there was anyone else who could even come close to meeting those standards? He wouldn't hesitate for a second to go after them,He's just trying to break you down."
"He's only with me because of my dad's business bill,"she wiped her eyes tiredly.

"That may be part of it,"he paused"But i know he cares about you too."He said looking deeply into her eyes,caressing her hand with his thumb.

: .・゜-: :-  -: :-゜・.
"To have and to hassle,,
Thats the end of the fifteenth chapter.
i hope you guys enjoyed the 3 chapters today 💟

To Have And To Hassle - Tom KaulitzWhere stories live. Discover now