★ Twisted Form Of Obsession★

306 11 15

"Gold's fake,,

        "And real love hurts,,

The weeks had felt like an eternity for Tom. He couldn't get the image of Elhora's terrified face out of his mind, no matter how hard he tried to push it away.
Every time he closed his eyes at night, all he saw was her pleading with him not to hurt her. It haunted him day and night,a constant reminder that maybe there are some lines even he shouldn't cross.Their relationship may have been messy and full of secrets but somehow, it still held onto him despite everything else crumbling around them. As much as she hated him now after what happened between them,he just couldn't shake off the feeling like their bond was more than just physical attraction or lustful desires,it ran deeper than either one could ever admit openly.

: .・゜-: ✧ :-  -: ✧ :-゜・.

Bill slowly opened the door as he looked down at Tom curled up underneath the sheets.He never thought he would see his brother like this over just a Girl,Someone He had planned to Play with,Toy with.
He walked over carefully sitting beside him,"They're Going To Discharge Elhora from the hospital today."

Tom's eyes narrowed, a mixture of guilt and concern etched on his features. "Alright," he muttered.
As much as he tried not to care about what happened between them anymore, something deep down kept him tethered to her,whether it was love or some twisted form of obsession, he couldn't quite figure it out.

With one last glance Bill slowly stood up from the bed and walked out,Leading the others to the car.

: .・゜-: :-  -: :-゜・.

Stepping outside, Tom found himself engulfed by a wave of cold air that chilled him to the bone despite his best efforts to remain unfazed.His hand moved up instinctively to rub at his temples, feeling an old familiar headache beginning to take shape beneath the surface of his skull.

His eyebrows knitted together in confusion as he watched the new security guards take their positions outside his house. It was rare for him to be caught off guard like this, but something about these particular men felt,off. They seemed more than just your average bodyguards.

His eyes narrowed as he stepped forward to address the new security guards.
"What do I look like? A man who needs babysitters?" His voice was icy, reflecting both his annoyance and underlying distrust of anyone other than those closest to him.
Tom began again more forcefully, "unless someone specific has asked for your protection or if there is some credible threat against me or my property, remove yourselves from here immediately. Got it?"

One of the guards began to speak up,"We've already been brought to guard this house,We were supposed to arrive weeks before when 'Georg Listing' Had purchased this part of land but we had another job to take care of."He stated.

"Oh really?" Tom's voice dripped with sarcasm as his arms crossed over his chest.
Before they can confirm Rachael Came out running and embracing tom,"Tommy,I missed you!"she said giggly,Leaving sticky residue on his face from her lipgloss.

"Fucking hell,"He pulled away in disgust "You'd better have a damn good reason for interrupting me here," he growled out lowly, not bothering to hide his irritation or impatience with her presence.

"You never give me attention."She whined.

"That's because you haven't given me a reason to," Tom retorted coolly, refusing to give in to her dramatics. "If all you want is my attention, then perhaps you should try doing something worthwhile for once instead of relying on others like a dog."

Her eyebrows narrowed angrily,grabbing onto him as he attempted to turn his head back to the guards.
"Jesus Christ!" Tom growled out in annoyance as Rachael pulled them both off balance.
He bent down to help her up from the ground but instead of doing so gently, he roughly yanked her into a standing position again,not caring about how hard or painful it might have been.

"Listen here," He snapped coldly, glaring down at her fiercely, "I don't need your constant attention seeking bullshit all the time." His words came out harsh and unforgiving,it was clear that his patience with her antics had worn thin long ago.

: .・゜-: :-  -: :-゜・.

As he continued belittling Rachael,He heard A vehicle pull up to the driveway.It was Bill's.

His eyes narrowed as he watched Bill and the others help Elhora out of the car. He felt a mix of emotions stirring within him annoyance, jealousy, and perhaps even a hint of admiration for how well she seemed to be holding up considering everything that had happened between them.

As much as he tried not to care about her or what might happen next, there was something undeniably captivating about having such an enigmatic figure like Elhora so close yet still out of reach. It made his heart race with anticipation.even now, standing here witnessing their reunion after all this time apart, he couldn't shake off the feeling that she held some sort of power over him,one which he didn't fully understand but found himself drawn towards nonetheless.

: .・゜-: ✧ :-  -: ✧ :-゜・.

As they stared each other down across the distance separating them, Tom couldn't help but feel a deep sense of guilt weighing heavily on him,it wasn't just what happened during those few nightmarish hours in which she had been with him,it was also how coldly he had treated her. Even now, watching her painfully relive those memories through her frozen expression, he knew that some part of her still cared for him despite trying to bury those feelings deep within herself.
But none of that mattered right now. All that truly mattered were the words unspoken yet ringing loudly in his ears,'I'm sorry'.

: .・゜-: ✧ :-  -: ✧ :-゜・.

As Bill finally came downstairs after helping Elhora get comfortable,He had approached Tom once again.
"Hey who are they?"he asked glancing over at the security guards

"I don't know," Tom muttered under his breath,taking a hit from his cigarette.still feeling unsettled by their presence. "Something about them just doesn't sit right with me."
He paused for a moment before continuing, his voice dropping to a low growl that only barely masked the underlying violence simmering beneath the surface. "But as long as they stay out of my business, I won't bother them anymore than necessary." He
Glared at Rachael before throwing the cig away and walking back inside.

: .・゜-: :-  -: :-゜・.
"To have and to hassle,,
Thats the end of the thirty-eighth chapter.another chapter tomorrow, I hope you enjoyed it 💟

To Have And To Hassle - Tom KaulitzWhere stories live. Discover now