★ Hate And Love ★

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"Up in Your arms,,

"Too late to beg you,,

Tom didn't stop to think or plan as he grabbed his keys and ran out of the house. He just needed to get away.From the memories,from the pain from everything that had led him here in the first place.The cold night air hit him as he stumbled blindly towards his car, barely registering the feel of leather seats against his skin as he sped off into the darkness with no destination in mind.
All around him, things were falling apart at an alarming rate,Everything He worked so hard for. No matter how fast he drove,how far away he went,He always saw her.

: .・゜-: ✧ :-  -: ✧ :-゜・.

As the car raced through the deserted streets, Tom felt like he was losing control,of himself,of his life.of everything.

"Goddammit!" He yelled into the night, slamming one fist against the steering wheel so hard it left a dent in the leather. "Fucking leave me alone!"
With that, Tom gunned the engine even harder and pushed the already speeding car. Maybe if he could go fast enough for long enough maybe he would finally reach the end of all these thoughts, He found himself wondering the same thing over and over again.why had he done it? What was wrong with him that made him lose control like this,especially when it came to Elhora?

But no matter how hard he tried,
no matter what excuses or justifications raced through his mind in a desperate attempt at self-preservation,none of them seemed to make any sense anymore. Not now,not after everything that had happened.

Focusing on the feel of wind rushing past him as he sped down empty streets at dangerous speeds,Honesty? Right now didn't seem all that different from yesterday,or last week.
He couldn't escape her,
No matter how fast he drove.
"Why did she have to love Bill?" He cried,
all the hurt and anger and confusion churning inside him like a hurricane.thinking that maybe if he had loved her differently,treated her better.been more understanding or less selfish then perhaps things would have turned out differently for them both.

: .・゜-: :-  -: :-゜・.

He Just kept driving until dawn lit up the sky behind him,covered with fiery reds and oranges streaked across a seemingly endless canvas.

Their Hate and love had twisted together in a never ending spiral.He wanted her but also despised her,She was his drug he couldn't get enough of her.
Her voice haunted him day and night,"Why did you do it?"It echoed through his mind like the ringing of a church bell on a Sunday morning.No matter how hard he tried to forget ,The memories kept coming back full force.Every time he closed his eyes all he saw was her face contorted in pain.

: .・゜-: ✧ :-  -: ✧ :-゜・.

his mind lost in a haze of memories and regrets as the booze had got to him,Hearing Muffling yells from a distance.
"Shut up!"He yelled trying to shut out the voices.His headache becoming unbearable As it throbbed and pounded being caused by a blinding light.

: .・゜-: :-  -: :-゜・.
"To have and to hassle,,
Thats the end of the thirty-fifth chapter.sorry if this chapter was too short, I hope you enjoyed it 💟

To Have And To Hassle - Tom KaulitzWhere stories live. Discover now