★ Growing Weaker★

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"I think I'm a little bit,,

        "A little bit in love with you,,

Elhora slowly regained consciousness, her senses returning to her gradually as a chill swept through her body. She found herself on the cold, hard floor.her limbs aching as she struggled to remember the events of earlier. As she tried to piece things together, it all began to flood back.

Grunting inwardly at the pain, Elhora managed to force herself into a sitting position, the cold floor offering her little comfort.
"Why didn't they just kill me,get it over and done with."She cried,wiping away her tears as she noticed fresh blood seeping from between her legs. Panic rising within her chest, she struggled to keep her balance as she weakly made her way towards the bathroom. The room seemed to not been touched in years, the smell of damp, mildew filled her nose as she looked at the rusty faucets and mold walls.

She looked around to at her defeat,there seemed to be no toilet paper.
"Fuck,"She grunted as her body ached with each step. she retraced her steps back to where she had originally curled up. She picked up her underwear and torn clothes from the floor, her eyes stinging with tears at the sight of the destruction wreaked upon her body. Slowly and carefully, she put on her clothes.

: .・゜-: ✧ :-  -: ✧ :-゜・.

Her heart raced with fear and uncertainty as she stepped out into the streets, drawing stares from the few pedestrians passing by. a dull ache throbbing through her limbs. "Shit,"she groaned in pain.

: .・゜-: ✧ :-  -: ✧ :-゜・.

as she spotted a group of people waiting for the bus. She mustered the courage to walk up to one of them, her voice trembling with exhaustion. "Excuse me,"she managed to stammer, her words coming out as a hoarse murmur. "What day is it? I lost track." The stranger gave her an uncertain glance but replied softly, "It's the 13th of November."Her heart skipped a beat at the realisation,she's been out for two days.
She nodded thanks to the woman before she turned on her heel and walked away.

The world around her seemed to be moving in slow motion as she navigated the streets.her senses on high alert, every sound and movement sending waves of fear and uncertainty through her. But she pushed through, her mind focused on the task at hand.food.

: .・゜-: ✧ :-  -: ✧ :-゜・.

As the day wore on, she found herself looking for scraps in dumps and rummaging through trash cans.
By nightfall,there was no success.

Elhora's stomach growled loudly, reminding her that she hadn't eaten all day. She glanced around, her eyes searching for a place to sleep.anywhere that would provide some semblance of safety and warmth. But the area seemed deserted.

: .・゜-: ✧ :-  -: ✧ :-゜・.

After a while of walking she stumbled upon a working payphone. But as she looked closely, she saw a sign indicating she would need two dollars to make a call.
"Fuck i don't have any change."her lips pursed in a thin line before her
eyes fell upon a homeless man, sleeping on the cold ground nearby.

She hesitated for a moment, guilty about taking something that wasn't hers, but her desperate need for money pushed her forward. She silently approached the man, creeping up on him as she whispered a soft apology. Quickly enough, she reached out to take a few coins from the man's jar before making a hasty retreat.

: .・゜-: ✧ :-  -: ✧ :-゜・.

Her fingers trembled as she dialed Tom's number, her heart pounding with a mix of fear and anxiety. She knew that going back to him would be a mistake, but she had nowhere else to turn.
As the phone rang, tears streamed down her face,She could feel herself growing weaker by the moment.every ounce of strength drained away by the torment she had endured over the past few days.

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, someone picked up on the other end of the line. "Hello?" came a voice filled with concern. It was Tom. Elhora couldn't bring herself to speak, choking back sobs instead. "Elhora? Is that you?" Tom asked again, his voice filled with worry at the sound of a woman crying.
She finally managed to force out a response,"Tom,I need you." She murmured as she filled the other end of the line with harsh sobs.

: .・゜-: :-  -: :-゜・.
"To have and to hassle,,
Thats the end of the forty-ninth chapter.i hope you enjoyed it 💟

To Have And To Hassle - Tom KaulitzOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz