★ Uncertainty And Pain ★

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"I think i'm feeling it now,,

        "Just like you did,,

Bill's voice broke my train of thought, and I spun around to face him startled and slightly disoriented. His expression was a mix of shock and curiosity as he took in my agitated state. "Tom? Is everything alright?" he asked, his tone tinged with mild concern as he moved closer to me.
I tried to regain my composure, wiping the anger from my features and giving Bill a cold expression in response. "Just looking for Rachael. Can't find her anywhere," I murmured vaguely, avoiding his prying gaze. Bill narrowed his eyes slightly, picking up on the edge of frustration in my voice. "Do you need help?"

"No its fine," I walked past him,My eyes narrowed as i saw only the sight of gustav and bill.

I turned to Gustav and Bill, "Where's Georg and Elhora?" I asked impatiently, a trace of unease sneaking into my voice.
Both of them shrugged indifferently.
"We didn't see them when we left."

I rubbed my temple in frustration.Bill tried to reassure me, his voice gentle as he suggested a explanation for their disappearance. "It's fine.they probably went out for some errands or something."
I nodded,"Yeah your probably right."

But as I walked down the hallway, I couldn't help but feel a nagging uncertainty nibbling at the edges of my thoughts,an unsettling feeling that convinced me that there was more to Elhora and Georg's disappearance than what met the eye.

: .・゜-: ✧ :-  -: ✧ :-゜・.

As the hours crept by, my patience dwindled, and my unease turned into an unbearable tension. It had been almost nine o'clock, and there was still no sign of Georg and Elhora.
"Answer the fucking phone Georg."I snarled into the speaker as i got led to voicemail once again.

I tried to distract myself with some idle tasks, but nothing seemed to quell my anxiety.it gnawed at the back of my mind relentlessly,"fuck this."I got up leaving the house.

As i sped off,I had no idea where to start looking for them,they could be anywhere.

: .・゜-: ✧ :-  -: ✧ :-゜・.

Three long, exhausting hours passed, and still, I had no clue where they might have vanished to. I was on the brink of despair, the weight of my frustration heavy on my shoulders, as I slammed my hand against the steering wheel in a desperate display of anger. "Fuck where did they go?" I cried out of frustration, my voice filled with pent up emotion. My eyes scanned the dark, desolate streets ahead, trying to pick up any hint of a familiar face, any indication that my search might be coming to an end.
But the city was empty, silent except for the soft rustling of leaves carried by a faint breeze.
"I swear to fucking god if Georg did anything to her I'll kill him."He growled before driving off to a nearby police station to file a report.

Several hours before
Elhora's Pov

As I gazed at his still form,my chest filled with a mix of emotions. fear, empathy, and an overwhelming sadness. I wanted to shake him awake, to rattle some sense back into his mind,but something held me back.maybe it was the tender vulnerability etched in his face, or perhaps the realization that my presence might anger him even further. Whatever the reason, I decided to give him some more time, hoping that he might recover on his own accord.
Slowly, I removed myself from the warmth of the bed.For a brief moment, I stood still near the window, watching Tom sleep while the morning sunlight streamed in, illuminating his handsome features. My heart ached as I realized that this peaceful scene might soon be disrupted, that Tom's turmoil could drag me into a world filled with uncertainty and pain like it always did.

: .・゜-: ✧ :-  -: ✧ :-゜・.

I decided that it was time to clean up, I made my way to the bathroom and took a lukewarm shower, letting the soothing stream of water wash away my worries and stress. I couldn't help but dwell on our fragile relationship,the distance that seemed to grow with each passing day,I mean it was my fault anyway.I was the one that created that bridge between us.I knew that confronting him was inevitable, he could be so stubborn.

After drying myself off, I had put on a pair of soft grey sweats paired with a cozy white sweatshirt that hung loosely over my hips.I walked over to the vanity desk and did some light make up and blow dried my hair.

As I descended down the stairs.my heart fluttered with excitement,it was almost as if I had forgotten how to live without Tom hovering over my every action. The thought made me smile faintly,I decided to make pancakes for everyone.a simple gesture that could potentially mend the awkwardness between us. Gathering ingredients from the kitchen, I hummed softly to myself.

: .・゜-: ✧ :-  -: ✧ :-゜・.

Soon enough, the pancake batter was ready, and I started cooking them on the pan, taking care not to burn them. The scent of butter and syrup wafted through the air, filling the space with nostalgia and comfort.

As I flipped the last pancake and turned around, Georg suddenly appeared behind me, his sudden presence jolting me for a split second. I let out an audible gasp as my heart pounded in my chest. For a moment, I paused, staring at his unreadable blank face.

"You alright?" I questioned him, my voice laced with concern. He nodded nonchalantly, a strange glint in his eyes that made me feel uneasy. "Georg," I began hesitantly, "what's going on? You seem... off."

"Get Ready in 15 Elhora,We need to talk."he said before walking off.

"What? Why?" I queried, confusion clouding my thoughts.
"It's about Tom," he said coldly before disappearing into the hallway.My heart hammered in my chest,"Tom?" I muttered under my breath,Maybe he can explain why he's been so distant.

As I moved around the kitchen, my heart pounded in my chest, each step feeling heavier than the last.
Georg's words continued to ring in my ears "We need to talk." About Tom, he had said. My stomach churned at the thought, and I couldn't help but wonder what he had planned to talk about.

As I finished the last mouthful of my pancakes,I rinsed my plate under the sink before My eyes met the clock on the wall Georg had given me some time,now I just had to find him.
"Georg?" I called out softly, attempting to keep my voice somewhat quiet not to wake up the others.i paused and looked around,seeing that Georg was waiting outside.

: .・゜-: :-  -: :-゜・.
"To have and to hassle,,
Thats the end of the fourty-seventh chapter.im uploading about 2-3 chapters today and they're all gonna be long so sorry for that😭💟

To Have And To Hassle - Tom KaulitzWhere stories live. Discover now