"Ow." She moans lowly as she peaks one eye open to look at me, her arm moving to rest over her forehead the other moving to rest over her stomach. "My head feels like it is splitting in half."

"Hmmm, I'm not surprised. Apparently you drank a lot last night." I weave my fingers through her hair, gently massaging at her scalp which seems to relax her a little.

"How is my headache worse now than before?" Her lips smack together as she lets out a shaky breath and she doesn't even have to ask before I am reaching for the water on the table as she slowly sits herself up.

"Here, drink." She raises her brow slightly, her eyes darting between mine and the glass of water.

"Yes ma'am." She fakes a salute before taking the water and taking a few small slips, her eyes closing as she does so. "What is this magical concoction?"

"Water." Her brows furrow as she looks into the glass then to me.

"Did water suddenly become good?" I chuckle, shaking my head as she passes me the glass back and I place it on the table, her head is quick to rest back in my lap.

"Probably not but I am sure anything that isn't alcohol seems great when hungover."

"Hmm, maybe." She mumbles as she rolls onto her side once again facing me with her forehead resting against my hip. "Wanda."

I look down at Y/n, my name a whisper on her lips as she nuzzles her face closer to my front. I don't answer her straight away, my hands moving to weave back through her hair, my other hand once again finding home on her back under her shirt.

"Y/n." I whisper just as softly as she had whispered my name.

"We're okay right?" The question and the way she sounds so small and scared when she asks it makes my heart skip one to many beats and I feel my stomach drop for a second.

"I want us to be okay." I mean it when I say it but I also know I can't say we are okay when we still have a lot to talk about.

"I think we'll be okay." She mumbles as she starts to fall back to sleep, I let my finger trace down the side of her face as gently as I can to not disturb her from her impending slumber.

"Oh yeah?" she nods with a hum as her arms wrap back around me. "How are you so sure?"

"Because we both want us to be okay, so I mean we are both gonna fight for us right?" I smile at her thoughts on the matter, knowing that she is right about one thing.

"I will fight for us, baby. I promise." I feel her squeeze me and I look down to see she is already looking up at me with a dreamy look in her tired eyes. "What?"

"You called me baby." She gives me a very goofy and very tired smile, and I smile right back at her.

"You called me baby first." She hides her face against my stomach with a small groan.

"Oh you heard that." She chuckles as she looks back up at me and I use my finger to push some displaced hair back behind her ear as her cheeks go a light shade of pink as I look down at her, my bottom lip between my teeth.

"Oh yeah, I heard it." I trace my fingers over her brows as they scrunch together as she lets out a small maybe slightly embarrassed chuckle. "It was cute."

"Psh, stoooop." Her whole face flushes as he once again hides it against my stomach and I can't help the laugh that escapes.

Her body vibrates as she chuckles along with me, continuing to hide her blush as she does, and I just watch her enjoy the moment as my fingers go back to playing with the ends of her hair. I am savouring these moments as much as I can, trying to remember every single detail I can about the way she looks.

Just Us - Wanda Maximoff x Fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now