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Soaring through the sky on the dragon king's mighty dragain, she couldn't help but admire the world below her. The wind blowing through her hair, the scent of nature, and the birds flying alongside in the sky — all of it was beautiful, to say the least.

What made everything feel even more beautiful was the sensation of the dragon king right behind her, incredibly close. She could still feel her back pressed against his hard body, which made her feel a mix of discomfort and a sense of comfort at the same time. What was the dragon king's plan for her? She couldn't understand at the moment. It was as if he had been deliberately seducing her ever since he asked her about wanting her to be his wife.

Was he truly serious about that? Sylara questioned in her head, trying to find answers. Never once had she imagined herself getting married, let alone to a mortal — or should she say a demigod, as he is the son of a powerful castaway goddess. He wasn't human, but still, the idea of getting married to him felt somewhat wrong, like a sin.

Suddenly, the dragon began lowering itself, prompting a confused expression on Sylara's face. However, she decided to refrain from asking questions until the dragon landed on the outskirts of the Dread Lands.

Reagan touched down on the ground, extending his hands to assist Sylara, who rolled her eyes and retorted, "I can dismount a dragon myself; I don't need your help." With that, she gracefully jumped off the dragon, almost tripping on the long, elegant black dress she wore but skillfully prevented that from happening.

A small laugh from Reagan reached her ears, causing her cheeks to flush in embarrassment. She turned to glare at him, and he promptly composed himself. Inhaling deeply, Sylara queried, "Why are we at the outskirts of the Dread Lands? Why not inside?"

"Having a large flying creature soaring through the sky when we're attempting to ambush our enemies will only alert them of our presence, even from miles away," he explained. "As you can see, Zarathus' wings are quite loud." She nodded in agreement, surveying the thick forest with towering trees ahead, known as the Dread Lands.

"Shall we continue our journey, or should we wait for the others?" Sylara asked, while Reagan took a deep breath.

"We're uncertain how long it'll take for the others to arrive," Reagan replied, glancing back at Zarathus. "Stay here, no matter what, and guide them to us upon their arrival."

"How will he know our location?" Sylara queried, to which Reagan responded, "We're connected; he always knows where I am." Without another word, Reagan ventured into the Dread Lands, prompting Sylara to take a deep breath and follow suit.

Together, they traveled the thick forest in silence, encountering no potential enemies or threats along the way. Sylara continued to move closer to the source of the magical energy, her determination strong.

"So, what do you intend to do with the humans performing the ritual?" Reagan suddenly asked, suddenly curious about Sylara's plan.

"I will make them atone for their sins and administer punishment," she said indifferently. "And if they aren't willing to atone, that's why we have you, Dragon King, to slay them."

Reagan scoffed, retorting, "Did you even bother to ask me if I enjoy slaying people?"

"You've slain thousands of men before in battle with your bare hands, as I've heard. What makes it any different now, Dragon King?" Sylara questioned.

"It was absolutely necessary then, which is why I did it," Reagan stated firmly, while Sylara wasted no time in responding, "It is equally absolutely necessary that you do it right now." With a sigh and a deep inhale, he nodded, and they continued their walk in silence.
"Can I ask a question?" Reagan inquired, to which Sylara promptly replied, "No, you cannot ask a question."

ROYAL DARKNESS (MASKED)(18+)Where stories live. Discover now