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The rest of the day passed in silence, likely because people were still in shock over the recent events. Even Lyra sat alone in a corner, seemingly deep in thought, reflecting on what had just transpired and how a mere human could wield such incredible power. Fortunately for Veronica, or should I say Sapphire, there were no trainers present to witness her actions. However, I couldn't shake the feeling that it was only a matter of time before rumors about Veronica's abilities spread, leading to intense scrutiny.

Her words continued to echo in my mind, and I couldn't understand why I struggled to push them aside. I had so many questions I wanted to ask, but she had made it abundantly clear that she wanted nothing to do with someone like me—ordinary, weak, and timid. I was born the way I am, and it wasn't my fault. Why did everyone seem to make my life difficult, and why did Lyra harbor such strong resentment towards me? Perhaps Veronica was right, and maybe a Vedan had truly harmed Lyra in the past. I let out a deep sigh, running my fingers through my hair as I attempted to make sense of the unfolding events.

Corvus perched on the table, his voice firm as he spoke, "Veronica won't always be there to shield you from Lyra's bullying," he said. "Isn't it time to step up and defend yourself?"

"What do you mean?" I asked, seeking clarification.

"I mean it's time to take action, my lady," Corvus replied. "Let today's events be the catalyst for positive change. Aren't you concerned that you might not survive the upcoming duel if you don't give it your all?"

"I have no interest in that, Corvus," I responded, dismissing his words. "Besides, I intend to make my escape before the duel. You and I both know that my sole focus is finding a way out of this wretched place."

"Jamari," Corvus said, his tone edged with frustration, marking the first time in what felt like an eternity that he'd used my real name instead of "lady." "Seeing you endure Lyra's and other women's harassment is both infuriating and heartbreaking. When will you strive for improvement? You're not weak; you believe you are because you haven't given it your all."

I took a deep breath, attempting to quell my rising anger, and replied, "Corvus, what should I even fight for here? This isn't the life I desire, and their affairs aren't my concern. All I want is to return to Konica and be with my godmother."

"Quiet down," he retorted, catching me off guard with his words. "When you were with your godmother, your greatest desire was to escape her cabin, explore the world, and embark on a true adventure. Now that you have that adventure, you want to scurry back like a frightened child. For once, Jamari, make a decision and stop playing the victim, above all, cease with the self-pity. You're treated like royalty here, and all they ask is for you to improve. They likely have a purpose more significant than you realize, and if they can't reveal everything, there must be a reason. The Dragon King told you that you need to improve to save the world, to save humanity. Isn't that reason enough?"

"Corvus," I said, baffled by the sudden conversation, "Where is all of this coming from? I'm no hero, so why should I burden myself with the responsibility of saving the entire Kingdom? Why should I? I'm just a nobody."

He replied, "The Empyrean Queen should have reincarnated into someone more useful, and powerful, like she used to be."

ROYAL DARKNESS (MASKED)(18+)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang