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We left at night following the fireflies that would lead us to the Southern Palace. I refused to deviate from my coarse to go drop off my mates pet. From what I have seen her pet is used in battle by others. She transformed and ran off with the koala demon. The monkeys kept quiet for the most part as we traveled.

When she caught up with us the sun was already started to rise meaning we soon would have to stop for the day.

"Hhheerrrreeeesss Johnny!" She shouted from behind us. I knew she was coming through our bound but the others didn't being up wind from her. Jaken squawked and feel off Ah-Un. The monkeys jerked slightly but pretended they weren't startled.

"John? Who's that?" Hikaru asked looking confused. She rolled her eyes and smacked her face. I wondered why she would herself but said nothing about it.

"It's a guy from a famous story. You guys wouldn't know it since it hasn't been written yet." She grumbled.

"What do you mean it hasn't been written yet?" Jaken asked her climbing back onto Ah-Un.

"I'm from the future." She stated simply.

"What!? Do you come from the well like that miko?" He asked her widen.

"No, I was sent here by magic that even the caster couldn't really explain. My life has suddenly become explainable by magic. Hey Alex? Why are you a demon now? Magic. How did you come here? Magic. How did you catch Lord Sesshomaru's eye? Magic." She went on talking to herself. I pondered the sanity of my mate after that.

"Magic? I've never heard of someone using magic to travel through time." Jaken mused frowning.

"You're telling me. It was an enchantresses, a young one at that. Though it helped that she used a necklace with Sesshomaru's fang on it. That necklace was given to me by my boss as a present. She said something about me being worthy of it so I took it home and put it on." She said with a faraway look on her face. Most likely think of her old life.

"Yeah, we had the same reaction. It's hard to believe but we could tell she wasn't lying." One of the monkeys said patting Jakens head.

"How dare you touch me you monkey?" He screeched batting his hand away from his head. One laughed as the other shook out the pain in his knuckles.

"Twins don't start. Give Jaken his space. Jaken, you too. You're not higher them then because you Sesshomaru's advisor. These boys are my body guards, elites in my army and my best friends. And you Ah-Un!" She pointed at the dragon its heads looked over at her curiously as did I. "Stop being so damn awesome." She said smiling kindly at it. It looked at her for a few more seconds before looking away. 'She paid him a compliment. Why?'

"Awe man he gets a compliment and not me?" A monkey cried.

"Sorry. Hikaru, good job not joining in on your brother's mischief." She said then walked to my side. It was only right she did being my mate. "Still more facial expression then Bella Swan." She said with the usual mirth she seemed to always have. I looked at her briefly feeling on of the monkeys statements ring true. Her 'references' were confusing.

"Lady Alex, this is as far as we can go tonight. The day approaches." A firefly informed her. It annoyed me that they were not speaking with me. Infect they were advoiding me out of fear.

"That's okay. Thank you." I told it. They then took to the forest. I walked into the opposite way to find a place to rest of the roads. I didn't feel it wise to deal with other beings today.

"Lord Sesshomaru wait for me milord!" Jaken cried out. I found a clearing in the forest. It was small but would do for the pack. I sat against the bottom of a tree. The others followed and Alex sat against the tree next to me. She looked up towards the sky and smiled fondly at it. Once again with a faraway look in her eyes.

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