Inu No Taisho

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It was a floating tentacle monster coming straight for me along with other twisted and magled forms. The whole world was filled with twisted flesh, blood and bones. The smell of something beyond death and rot filled the air and stained the back of my throat with the taste. It alone was enough to bring tears to my eyes.

"You who doesn't not belong, you shall be a much deserve snack for me." It gurggled lashing out at me with it's tentacles. I snapped to my senses and dodged his attack finding that I could fly faster then I could on earth. I flew away from it as fast as I could. No matter how fast I flew I could never get away from them. They were everywhere, it never end. They would trap me in their grotesque embrass forcing me to dismember then.

There blood stained and burned my skin but no matter hiw many times I cut them down they would come back, it was only a matter of time. I was thrown into a state of hysteria as time and space seemed to strech on forever. "SOMEBODY!  PLEASE HELP ME!" I screamed out despite knowing that it was hopeless.

I keep mumbling for someone to help only getting promises of doom and torture for all time in response. I was filled with so much dread, my heart was gripped with absolute horror. How long had I been here? The blood was already long since crusted to my skin only becoming wet again from my sweat. I was starting to get tired, I was lushing myself as hard as I could but I couldn't last forever.

Soon my vision was blurring and the ground and there greedy limbs were getting closer. I shook my head and flew up higher but after this recurring several times, I couldn't resist anymore. I did a nose dive to the ground. I closed my eyes in dispare as the ground and thousands of snapping teeth.

'Sesshomaru, I'm sorry.....I love you. I love you all, Lady Inukimi, Sora, Isamu, Katsu, Jun.' I cried. I waited for inpact giving in to the fact that I was going to die.

"You lasted longer then I thought pup." I heard a firm males voice say before I was caught by strong arms. The fear and confusion disappeared instantly as a strong aura washed over my being. Light comsumed my body and mind. I snuggled into the sorse of my comfort. "Yes, sleep. Your safe now, the worse of your journey is behind you." It said soothingly. I smiled and did just as he said.  I don't know how long I was out but I woke up to the same voice from before.

"Wake up pup." He said firmly. I opened my eyes to see a rather handsome looking dog demon. There was no doubting it. He had one single purple jagged line running down he cheeks and golden eyes. His silver hair was done up in a high ponytail.

"Who are you?" I asked pushing myself away from him lightly.

"My name is Inu No Taisho, Sesshomaru's father." He smiled warmly at me.

"Inu...No....TAISHO! Your Father in law? The one everyone talks about? Wow!" I gapped at him soaking in his appearance.

"They still talk about me? I'm flattered." He smiled. " Yes, it would seem that you mated to my son thus becoming apart of my family."

"Wow, I'm speechless. This is a suprise!"

"You can say that again, wasn't expecting to feel a live aura of another dog demon here. Much less one that has the sent of my son." He said crossing his arms.

"Well then, thank you for saving me." I stammered.

"Your welcome, like I said. For a pup, you lasted longer then I would have thought." He said.

"How long, how long was I there?" I asked.

"Couldn't tell you, time means nothing in this round." He said.

"Oh......where are we now?" I asked lookig around. It was bright but in a pleasent misty white way.

"Still in the underworld."

"What, but it's so different!" I cried out looking over my suroundings once more.

"Yes, think of this as the high class section of the underworld." He laughed heartily at me.

"Oh.....aaahhh!" I grabbed my chest. The necklace was starting to surface again.

"So that's how it all happened. I see now. You have to go now." He said turnig serious all the sudden. He grabbed me and started flying us towards some unknown destination at the speen of light. "You'll be safe. I wish I could do more to help you but unfortunately this is all I can do."

"Wait! What are you talking about? What's going on?" I gritted out.

"The necklace is going to destroy itself. You'll turn back to your human self. When that happens you'll need to be out of here. The faster you go into space the more of a head start you'll have to going home to your time."

"I don't want to go home, I want to be with my mate." I said weakly.

"I know, and I believe that you shall be but you must finishes this journey first." He looked down at me with a gental smile. I sobbed unexpectedly and covered my face with my hands unable to bare the fact I was crying infront of Inu No Taisho. "Do not dispare, all things happens for reasons no human, or demon can't always understand. We are here, I can no longer accompany you outside of this realm." I opened my fingers and looked up at him in utter fear. "Calm, well meet again one day now sleep." He said tapping my forhead.

My body was sent sailing through a barrier of somesort. My eyes rolled to the back of my head and I lost consciousness. "Alex? Alex? Wake up Alex!" I heard a voice from what seemed like a life time ago call out to me.

"JACOB!" I screamed sitting up. I looked down at myself. I was in that skimpy nightdress he had me in before putting on the necklace.

"Calm down and take it easy Alex!"

"What happen!" I yelled getting up from the ground and looking around.

"You passed out, I called your mother put you just woke right back up."

"The necklace!" I yelled feeling around my neck and chest for the necklace.

"I know, it might off slipped off or something but that's sooo not important right now! Are you alright?" He said putting his hand on my shoulder. That question, are you alright, it set off something. 'Am I alright?' I asked myself. It was my undoing, I threw myself onto the bed and sobbed. "Alex? Alex, what's going on?"

"You.....wouldn't believe me! Even if...if I told you!" I cried. He sat down on the bed with me and rubbed my back in soothing circles.

"Oh babe, you know I'll believe you just tell me whats wrong. I just want to...hold on." He growled picking up his ringing phone. "It's your mom. Hello Grendella, yeah she fine now. She up but...she's very upset. No, no I don't know why she passed out. No, I think she alright now but I'll keep an eye on her. Yes, if you want to but I got her. Yes......yes....yeah I'll find out whats wrong. Don't worry Grendella, I know. I love you too and I'll tell her you love her also. Uhhhuh, bye." He said then hung up the phone.

"Jacob!" I sobbed throwing myself onto him. I was so glad to see him, to be home but at the same time I was miserable. I didn't want to be home, I wanted to be with my mate. I wanted to build the empire he always dreamed of and find peace between demons and humans.

"Sshhh, it's okay. I'm right here, you don't have to worry about anything now." Jacob cooed petting my hair. I sobbed violently into him till my hearts content. Then I was just breathing in and out calmly holding onto him. I let him go and sniffed lookin into his eyes. Then, I told him. From start to finish I told him everything. I asked him to not ask questions until the end and I could tell he was struggling to do so but none the less he did as I asked. It was a very long tail as I tried my hardest to give him as many details as I could choke out.

"Ummmm..." Jacob said rubbing he back of his head deep in thought. "That's a lot to take in actually. *Yawn* let's sleep on it for tonight okay?" He said taking off his heels and crawling under his covers. He patted the pillow next to him bidding me to join him, I surried under the covers and got comfortable facing him. "Like old times?" He asked smiling to me as he extended his pinky.

"Yeah." I smiled lightly accepting his pinky with my own. My breaths came in as shutters as I fought crying once more. Eventually I drifted off to sleep, I dont know how long I was asleep for but I was exhausted both mind and body. Frankly, I'm glad sleep came and took my away into a world of black nothingness.

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