Proclaimed Hero

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I jumped off Sesshomaru in a heartbeat and grabbed my monkey's staff. I strapped it onto my back and ran back to Sesshomaru and picked up his sword. He got up curiously looking at me. I kicked dirt into the fire and grabbed his Moko Moko.

"I still need to do another sweep throughout our lands! I can't be sitting her kissing on you!" I yelled throwing him his fur then went back into the hut and grabbed his armor. He took back his armor and put it on while I grabbed his other sword and waited. When he was ready I gave both swords back.

"I will accompany you until we reach my mother's castle." Sesshomaru said putting his swords in his belt.

"Great, that's good enough for me really! Oh and you have to go visit Rin too! It's actually the first village I went to and the next village on the list so? Shall we?" I asked stepping up beside him. He nodded and started walking his nose up in the air slightly relishing the feel of being demon again.

"Bet it feels good being a demon again." I said lightly as we walked.


"Sorry I wasn't able to figure it out sooner." I apologize.

"You have nothing to apologize for, it was the price I paid." Sesshomaru said glancing down on me from the corner of his eye. I smiled up at him happily. 'I think he learned his lesson.' We walked into the village and headed for the hut where they kept the sick or dead before they would bury them. We walked in, Sesshomaru pulling out Tenseiga and swiping around the only body that smelled of death. The person through the covers off of him and gasped. Sesshomaru and I walked out of the hut. We walked to Inuyasha's hut. I knocked against the wood and waited. 'Might as well, the last few times were because of the situation. Now that it's over I have no excuse being rude.' I sighed.

"Hello?" Katsumi said coming out of the hut. My heart swelled in excitement in seeing him.

"I haven't seen you the last few times I came by! Where have you been?" I squealed bending over and scooping the young child into my arms.

"I was with aunty Rin and Shippo! Momma and daddy were too busy with the sickness everyone was getting." Katsumi explained blinking his honey brown eyes up at me. Inuyasha came out and leaned against the door frame of his house. His arms were folded into his sleeves and he looked like he was on the defense. I could definitely tell he didn't like his brother. I looked up to Sesshomaru who was giving Inuyasha an emotionless glare. I frowned at him and nudged him with my elbow. He got the hint and lifted up an arm and patted Katsumi's head.

"Who are you?" Katsumi asked frowning.

"That's your uncle." Inuyasha said in a strained voice.

"Uncle?" Katsumi asked.

"Yes, his name is Sesshomaru! He's your father's brother and my mate so that makes me your aunt." I chirped happily nuzzling the young pup.

"SESSHOMARU! I've got a bone to pick with you!" I heard Kagome practically roar from down the road. She was marching to us with a glare that made me feel nervous despite the fact I was a powerful demon. She walked up in front of him and poked his armor glaring up at him. "How dare you cheat on your mate you twisted into getting mated in the first place? The nerve of you! Then lending her your sword not even knowing if she could use it so she could go around for days on end resurrecting the dead! You've got a lot of nerve mister! You didn't even come and check up on Rin yourself! What do you have to say for yourself?" She demanded. I looked at her with wide eyes and my mouth open. 'OMG! He's going to kill her!' I proclaimed in my head.

"I have no need to explain myself to you. Of course my mate would be able to wield anything I have, we are equals." Sesshomaru told her coldly. I smiled so widely I felt like my lips would start slitting. Kagome blinked owlishly at him with her mouth open.

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