Your Fucked!

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When the sun began to rise I stop effecting Sesshomaru's dreams. I went out and found him some mushrooms that I had seen the children eating in the village for breakfast. I decide that I was going to just force him to got to a stream and get some water. Once I returned Sesshomaru woke up whipping the sweat from his eyebrow.

"Morning, did you have good dreams last night?" I asked frowning down at him. He didn't give me an answer so I gave him the mushrooms and reclaimed his Moko Moko. "Well, I decided that I'm going to run us to Rikku to see if she can turn you back."

"I though you said you wished to see me live like this." Sesshomaru said biting into a mushroom.

"Of course I do, I just want to hurry up and destroy what hope you have. Can't let you have that now can we?" I smiled at him. Before transforming into my true self. I stomped on the fire and bit Sesshomaru's pant leg and lifted him onto my back before taking off into a mad dash.

I had never in my life ran so hard for so long with such determination. I hoped that Rikku didn't know how we could get back Sesshomaru's demonic powers because I really wasn't going to kill her if she did. The swamps told me that we were close to her place but where exactly she lived was a mystery. I slowed down sending the air for any clues. I looked around myself then moved on. It was thirty minutes of this until I finally found it. I went back to my human form and caught Sesshomaru before he could hit the ground.

"Shall we?" I asked setting him down. I went on ahead not waiting for an answer. "Rikku! It's us again! The Lady of the Calm lands and the Lord of the West." I said knocking on her door. The door flew open revealing Rikku.

"He get his arm hacked off again?" She asked with a grin.

"No, he lost his demon." I laughed pointing to the very pissed human Sesshomaru. Her eyes seemed to bulge from out of her head.

"You two best come in." She said grabbing my arm. I allowed her to yank me in then do the same to Sesshomaru. He fought with her but Rikku wasn't human so she just ignored him. She grabbed his face and turned it ever which direction having to stand on her tippy toes to do so. "How did this happen?"

"His dick decided to shove itself into something dirty." I said darkly glaring at him.

"Ohhh he was caught with his pants down." She frowned. "My mate did that to me too. He'll never do it again though." She said lifting up his arm.

"Hell yeah I bet you gave him hell!"

"No, I sent him there!" She smiled at me evilly before examining the arm she help him regain.

"I like this woman." I mirrored her smile at Sesshomaru. He gave me a dead look not really feeling threatened. I huffed and plopped down to the ground.

"You know I can remove certain limbs if you wish for me too. Might as well while he's human. Just help me move far away afterwards." Rikku giggled.

"You will do no such thing!" Roared Sesshomaru.

"Come on Sesshomaru, you weren't shy about that other girl touching it!" I glared.

"Hn." He said looking away.

"Okay so what exactly happen?" Rikku asked.

"I walked in on them, she poked him. He turned human she told me she was a siren that was sent by my friend from the future who is a really old witch. Then she kissed me...... (0/////0) and disappeared." I explained.

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