Final Act 4

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I woke up alone in bed. I laid there wondering where it was that my mate could have slauntered off to before getting up. I searched around until I found a maid walking the halls with purpose. I asked her to direct me to the whereabouts of her Lord which she so kindly did. After a fifteen minute walk through halls and stairs I opening up a sliding glass door that lead to a balcony. My mate was looking out onto the world as the sun slowly bathed it in its golden glow. The air was clear as the crisp air tossed my hair softly making me wrap my arms around myself.

A beautifully calm morning that matched my mates calm demeanor on the outside. If you were to know him like I have begun too then you would see the storm the raged on inside his head. No doubt he was angered by last nights attack. 'If he's mad that means that attacks on him in this way is quite rare. which would explain his suprise by it and anger now. Am I the reason he was attacked? Maybe they saw me as a weakness.' I frowned stepping up to his side.

"Your no longer safe here." He said wrapping his arm around me.

Snuggling into him I smiled. "Where could I go that would be safe? This world is dangerous, everyday I live I face many potential ways to die Sesshomaru."

"Hn...but as a demon you would be in less danger."

"Oh, so it's because I'm a human?" I asked a bit hurt.

"We wouldn't be able to live long together."

"Uggh, I hate when your right." I scoffed head butting his chest. "But...I kind of don't want to leave you hear alone. It isn't fair."

"The world is as far as it is safe. Even I can't change this. I will be fine." He soothed taking a bit of my hair. He brought it up to his nose to sniff. He closed his eye like he was savoring the smell. That's when I noticed a necklace dangling from his hand.

"Your going to send me today." I stated.

"Yes, your not safe here."

"But...I...why? Why don't you want to keep me? Find a way to turn me into a demon or something while staying here with you?" I asked tears ready to go at any second. He let the hair in his hand drop and forced me to look up at him.

"I have searched for five hundred and fifteen years and have found none. I would love to keep you for myself here and now. To have you carry my pups and live by my side. It would be gone in the blink of an eye."

"But...I wouldn't mind."

"I would." He said harshly grabbing my shoulders. "It would be only twenty years before I had to watch you wither infront of me. I don't want that. Forgive me for being selfish once again but I want you by my side for as long as possible on this earth before I find you in the underworld." He said then captured my lips in a very passionate kiss that boardered on possessive. Then it suddenly turn to a soft loving one that made my heart swell. I almost didn't regesture the necelace being put around my neck. I pulled away and looked down feeling the same coldness. I looked up at Sesshomaru with hurt in my eyes. "Forgive me."

"Okay...I will. I love you." I said with a chocked sob.

"I love you too." He said and before I could react with any words I was falling to the ground. Darkness became my exsistance and nothing became my everything. Time was endless but at the same time when I opened my eyes it was like I blinked. The first thing I noticed was that I was surrounded in a familiar white endless fog.

"Finally awake pup?" I heard the voice of Ino no Taisho say. I uncurled myself and looked to my left.

"Yeah, I'm up." I said. "Who's she?" I asked noticing a girl standing beside him. She had lavender eye, white hair with matching fox ears. I couldn't help but to smile when I saw her two fluffy tails, they reminded me of Miles 'Tails' from Sonic.

The Fang Necklace (Inuyasha FanFic)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang