Sesshomaru part 3

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"Damn, you sure do know a lot of shit Jaken. I bet we can talk all the way until my period is gone and you would still have more knowledgeable things to tell me." She proclaimed then looked up to me. I didn't show any signs of my discomfort.

"But of course Alex! I pride myself in knowing as much as I can in case Milord or you don't." He stated.

"Well, that's thoughtful of you. Knowledge is power, you can never get enough of it." She hummed lightly looking to the setting sun. "How many times have I seen the sun rise and fall? I've lost count but it never losses it's beauty. It's the only thing in our lives that will never change." She said softly losing herself to the horizon. 'The sun?'

"What's so great about the sun rising and falling?" Jaken asked her.

"That sun will continue to rise and fall long after you, me and even Sesshomaru has died. It will never fail you and for that it's one of the most beautiful things in nature. You know for a giant ball of gas." She said chuckling to herself.

"I suppose your right." Jaken said.

"Wait! You guys know the sun is a ball of gas!" She shouted turning and lifting Jaken up to her face.

"Of course we do! We know a lot about the universe." Jaken said and she place him in his former spot in her arms. I glared down at him but he didn't see it so it was wasted on him.

"Do you know that the earth is round them?"

"Of course you can see the curve of the earth from where Lord Sesshomaru flies in the sky have you yet to go that high?" He stated.

"Yeah, I don't go higher then I need to. I don't think I could get that high anyways. I can barely fly as it is." She breathed looking enviously up to the sky. "So which do you think is more beautiful? Sun rise or sun set?" She asked no one in particular.

"They look the same! How could you think one is more than the other?"

"I prefer the sun set. It's the end of the day. The end of the story that gives way to the beauty of darkness. That darkness is soothing to me. It's the embodiment of dreams. The sun rise is the beginning of another day. A start of another day, of another story. With the rising action and climax then the falling action. In truth when we start a story it is the end that we want and so desperately seek. Even with our lives, we're always moving forward to find our end. Always anticipating a happy ending or a not so happy ending. That is one thing humans and demons will always share. Sure they live shorter lives and they are frailer but they still move forward with us seeking the end of their story." She smiled up to me. She was always trying to find similarities between humans and demons. I suppose it wasn't her fault since she had been born and raised as one.


We walked in silence for a while and her sent began to grow stronger as did her discomfort. She set down Jaken and started walking towards a hot spring.

"Milady where is it your off to?" Jaken squawked following her. He took a glance back at me and quickened his steps to her. 'Coward.' She took the demon on her shoulder and placed her on Ah-Un.

"Stay." She told him making a gestor for him to stop. She smirk and turned back around and continued on.


'Alex! Please don't leave me alone with him! You're not the only one who's suffering from hormones.' I shook watching her walked away leaving me alone with Lord Sesshomaru.

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