The Adventures of Alex and Her Monkeys

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After three days of constant travel me and my well, pack all made it to the Norther boarders. I wanted to be as far from the West as I could go with in my land and apparently it's the Norther boarder. I swore up and down that they were bullshiting me but when Chie and Prince all confirmed that the monkeys were telling the truth I had to consent to

the fact they were right.

The North itself was nothing but mountains and naturally the north part of the calm lands started to become rockier. Which made our traveling slow down and make me on edge. I told my pack that the second I felt my mate we would have to start running. I didn't feel like being dragged back to the palace.

We found our first village on the first day. It was dangerously close to the North so it was poor and suffered from demons and bandits. The villagers looked so depressed it broke my heart. When we approached the village all of the villagers went into a panic. It took us knocking out almost all the men to finally get them to listen to us. I made my pack stay back to solve their demon problem, which was an ogre demon.

I must say that I under estimated it. I left that cave with bruised and a limp. The twins laughed at me and Isamu just slowly shook his head. When the twins didn't stop laughing about it Prince was kind enough to kick their asses.

We then stayed back and scared off the bandits and help the village repair its buildings and fields. It was a week delay but it made me feel nice. Even though the others grumbled about it on the fifth day I know they felt good from it too. The villagers were all very grateful.

Soon we were on the open road again heading east. The rocks and mountains gave way to plains. The East was as you have probably already guested the East is largely made up of plains and scattered small forests.

The rice field were more abundant here and the people didn't suffer so much from food shortages. It took us five days to find another village. This village was actually really large. Upon going into the market place I learned it was actually a capitol. The great lord (young lord) lived there. He was young and was doing his best to lead his lands.

I wanted to meet him personally since he only got a letter from the elders stating my new status for the Calm Lands. The Lord was very wary of us and seemed a bit skittish but it was to be understood. After all the second I stepped into power look what happened. Over all he was a respectable man and I told him that if he ever needed help to send word to the City of Peace.

We were walking south now. It had been ten days and out in and open field we came across two human army's. One I recognized as Lords (young) and the others I didn't but Isamu confirmed that it was an army within my lands. Now here's the million dollar question, why are my humans fighting.....wait sounded weird. They were marching towards each other and well I transformed and jumped between the two armies. I growled at each army and made sure no one would try charging each other under me. Now they did try attacking me which felt like the equivalent of getting tacks shoved in my feet. The boys Prince and Chie all had to run out and 'save'. More like be my voice since I couldn't exactly talk in my true form, I wish I could though.

We had to knock a few heads but we eventually made the two armies go their separate ways. And with that done we headed back to the capital to speak with Lord (young). Well once there we learned that the Lord (greedy) was attacking Lord (young) to gain his land seeing him as young and incompetent. Well that lead to me and my monkeys, Chie and Prince were trusted to Lord (young), to sneak into Lord (greedy) palace. Well it was more like a mansion then anything. It had to be the coolest thing I had done so far. I used my barrier at night time to make it appear that everything was normal even made a projection of the moon. When once the boys were in place I cut the stars and moon off sending the whole place in darkness. The boys and I used our noses to avoid the panicked people. It was hard none the less to move around in the dark but we managed thanks to the torches. We slipped into the Lords room and gave him a wakeup call. The poor fool was so arrogant that he didn't feel threatened by us he just called for his guards. The twins kept the door from being opened and Isamu covered the window. Once he realized that his guards couldn't get in he started to freak out a bit.

Long story short I told him who I was and what length I would go to keep peace with in my lands. Didn't matter if it was demon or human. By the time I was done with Lord (greedy he was begging me to have mercy on him. He promised to stop his attacks on the young Lord (young) lands and to never stir up trouble again.

Once satisfied that I had thoroughly scared the piss out of him my monkeys and I left the city. Once again we were on the road again and ironically I was sing 'On the Road Again'. Because the ironic reasons are the best reason. We walked around the two lands looking for any signs that Lord (greedy) didn't hold true to his word. After a week and a half I was satisfied that he was going to keep his word and we headed towards the center of the Calm Lands. Once again we were among the thick forests that we were used to. By this time I had sung so much that the twin began singing with me. Our favorite and Isamu's least favorite was to sing 'Can you feel the Love Tonight'. Every time it got to boring just walking along the twins or I would start up the song. Once Isamu started running away from us which lead to a very long chase as we singed the song horribly on purpose. In the end he had no choice but to accept his fate since he couldn't shake us.

Then in the afternoon while we were walking I was practicing on feeling for others demonic energy when I felt something strange. I couldn't explain what I was feeling but it wasn't human nor was it demonic. I began walking towards his source forcing the others to follow me through the woods until I found it.

It was a large tree with thick roots that stood up from the ground and a dent in the trunk of the tree.

"Looks like were in the forest of Inuyasha." Kaoru muttered looking the tree over.

"Inuyasha?" I asked.

"He's a famed half demon. He used to be sealed on this tree a while ago but a strange miko came and set him free." Kaoru informed me.

"He's also Lord Sesshomaru's half-brother."

"You mean I have a little brother! Wow I thought he was an only child so what's the story?" I exclaimed.

"Well Lord Sesshomaru's father feel in love with a human and died protecting her and her newly born child."

"He was just injured by a dragon though. As if a human could take down him. No he was already fatally wounded." Hikaru said.

"Where does he live?"

"In the village of Edo not too far from here." Isamu said pointing south. I started marching off towards the village giddy to meet a member of my new family. It didn't matter to me that he was halfblooded in both ways possible. The only thing I was worried about is if he was just like my mate then I would run away screaming.

"This will be entertaining." Isamu said cracking a smile. Unfortunately it was a smile that sent my heart fluttering in my rib cage. I was very uncomfortable with the feelings Isamu was giving me, after all I am a mated woman,

"Wonder how they will get along?" Kaoru asked his brother who gave him a shrug.

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