The Little Brother

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I entered the village walking casually. Some humans gave me weird glances while others ran away yelling demon. I ignored them knowing that Inuyasha would just come and see that it was me and everything would be cool.

"Hey Alex, what you doing around here? Isn't there a big war coming your way or something?" Inuyasha asked.

"Yeah, there is but I'm here because there's a friend of mine needed supplies to survive before I can leave him alone." I explained.

"Really? So your here for the market then?"

"Yeah." I chirped happy to see my little brother. I began walking to the market and was delighted to find him following me. I made a point to walk slightly behind him. He beamed at the symbolic meaning behind what I did and led the way.

"How's that bastard?" He asked as I bought a bag to carry the stuff back.

"A cheater, I fucking hate him so much right now." I seethed.

"Figures he would cheat on you. Even our father cheated." He huffed sourly.

"That doesn't give him an excuse! He twisted my arm into getting mated with him. I finally get to the point where I'm starting to finally have feeling for him. He starts to actually be nice to me during my heat. Then he goes and blows it all away!" I yelled causing us to get a few stares from the people around.

"Wow, didn't know it went that deep. I really can't say anything being that I'm a product of my father cheating." Inuyasha said awkwardly as moved on to the next stall.

"Oh no, it's different because your father loved your mom. Sesshomaru just went off and fucked a servant just to do so!" I said in earnest.

"You think so?"

"I never meet the man but I've heard nothing but good things about him."

"Yeah, he was great." Inuyasha said in bittersweet.

"So how's everyone?" I asked wanting to change the subject.

"Good! Shippo and Rin got married. Miroku and Sango have yet to have another kid. Thank kami, they don't need to have any more running around town. Keade died a week ago though. Kagome is sad, she wanted her to help her deliver our pups."

"She's pregnant?" I nearly feel over in surprise.


"Wow! Congratulations on that!" I nearly squealed.

"Thank you."

"I guess this means I'm going to be an aunt!" I giggled. "Can I see her?" I asked paying for the items I picked up.

"Yeah, I'm sure she would be more than happy to see you. Same with Rin and Shippo." He said. Once I bought everything I felt I needed to I followed Inuyasha to his house. "Kagome, look who popped in to say hello?" He beamed holding the bamboo curtain up for me.

"Alex? Hey how's it going?" Kagome beamed getting up from the ground. Shippo and Rin stood up too and bowed to me.

"It could be a lot better to be honest. What with the war on the horizon. The South still not fully dedicated to us. Plus personal issues." I sighed.

"Personal issues? Are you and Lord Sesshomaru still fighting?" She asked.

"Yeah, were still fighting." I confessed. I didn't go into detail for Rin's sake.

"Why? I bet it's just a huge misunderstanding! Lord Sesshomaru is actually really kind just give him some time." Rin pleaded.

"I have seen his kindness and given him time but he..."

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