I Know I let You Down

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Now I know I've let a lot of you down. For so long you have all waited for a sequel to this story. But the truth is, I'm dried up. I just can't create a sequel that is anything close to the quality of this story. I've tried over and over pouring hours,days into making a sequel...only to delete it because I felt like you guys deserve better.


That being said....I do have some good news.... I'm making an Alternate Universe version of the Fang necklace. It will have similarities but at the same time its going to be very different. I just hope it makes up for the lack of a sequel for this story.



Here is some art for Chocked by Fangs....and AU of The Fanged Necklace.

and AU of The Fanged Necklace

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Demonic child form of Freya

Demonic child form of Freya

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Adult human form of Freya

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