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My world shattered all around me in that moment. I could feel Sesshomaru's aura lash out at everything in utter rage. 'How could....she be right under our noses this whole time? Why is she doing this? What's her goal?' I asked myself watching as the man got further away.

"Who's Denna?" Meru asked hesitatly.

"She's a new enchantress, she....was a freind." I spat enraged.

"She will die for her betrayal." Sesshomaru said in determination. I nodded my head and looked to Meru.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

"Yeah, just need to get some food and clean up. Been a rough day to say the least." She sighed looking around the room. My heart sank into my stomach painfully. It felt like someone was choking me. 'Shin, Koaru......I'm sorry.'

"Yeah....." I croaked bowing my head so no one could see my waterig eyes. I took a few deep breaths trying to stomp down my emotions. 'Not right now, it's not the time for this.'

"I'm going to go back to the city and inform the elders......" Meru said.

"Take Prince, it'll be faster." I nodded still looking down.

"Thank you Milady, I'm sorry for your lost." She said before walking out of the room.

"Milord, what is our mission now?"

"We are going to put down the holy army." Sesshomaru said placing a hand on my shoulder momentarily. I blinked hard looking up to him.

"Let's go." I said in a voice I didn't recognize.


"You heard the Lord, move out guys!" The female demon said snapping all of the demons to alert. Sesshomaru left the room with me at his heels. Once outside I had to make an effort to not cover my nose as we passed the countless lifless bodies of both holy and magical mortals.

"Their camp isn't far for, well by our standards." I said. "Just keep going North, just as Meru said." Sesshomaru nodded and moved in the direction I had instructed with our mini army at our backs. I could feel the nervousness of some of the demons at the feel of our rage. I felt guilty for causing their discomfort but I wasn't going to but my emotions in check. I did find some justification at the feel of many of them feeling angered or determine for our sake.

It was a silent march to the holy camp, many of the less sensitive grumbled about the spiritual power in the air. Funny how the more powerful you are the less notice you take of something that could kill you. I guess it was a balance that is needed for the survival of the human race, odd.

We had just spotted the camp before we were attacked. Maybe fourty people rushed up throwing sutras and other magical or spiritual items at us. I threw up a barrier in a split second taking their hits full blast. It stung but it didn't hurt anywhere near as that chamber did.

I felt something come from me as I dropped my barrier. Actually I felt multiple somethings come from me. I was suprised to find dozens of black dogs that looked like me in my true form only now they were the size of bears. They smoked and twitched in a sinister manner that unnerved and excited me.

The demons and I guess you could call them my familiars attacked the humans with zero mercy. The battle was over quickly when Sesshomaru stepped in cracking his whip. I scaned ahead, the camp was stiring, obviously they were preparing for us. I flared my aura at them, giving them a clear warning of the shit storm that was headed for them.

I wanted to do this with as little casualties as possible at first but they just made this personal. I would spare though who cried for mercy or ran away but to those who dare defy me would die. "Their is so many of them....this is going to take to long for my tastes." I grumbled to my mate before tranforming into my true form. My game plan, fuck shit up with brute force.

The Fang Necklace (Inuyasha FanFic)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz