Final Act 3

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"Wake up." Sesshomaru said brushing my hair behind my ear. My eyes fluttered open to the sight of my mate. I smiled and hugged him around his neck from the side.

"Morning my mate. I assume we're in Japan?" I said yawning happily as I let him go.

"Yes." He said as the plane started to decend. I went to buckle up but Sesshomaru pulled me into his lap and wrapped his arms around me. He flexed the muscles in his arm which was enough to wind me. "I'm more suited to protect you." He said softly.

"Ha, killing perfection protecting something. That's quite humerus." I giggled. Soon we were on the ground and Sesshomaru was back in his human descise. There was already a limo waiting for us as soon as we got off the jet. Sesshomaru's suit case was thrown into the trunk and the door was opened for us.

I watched the world pass me by through the window. It was so different for me because I could read anything. Sesshomaru had his hand on my knee the whole time just rubbing his thumb from side to side. We were driven to a fensed in estate where Sesshomaru had to get out and type in a code for the gates to unlock.

Beyond the gates and bushes was a mansion. I gawked at it having never seen something so fancy in real life, not in the modern world at least. The door was opened for my and a hand was offered to help me out of the limo. "Wow." I said watching a man come out and grab Sesshomaru's suit case and bow to us before going back in.

"Welcome to my home." Sesshomaru said placing a hand on the small of my back and leading me into the house.

"Dang, why couldn't you find me years ago?"

"Because then I would have never meet you."

" you knew where I was?"

"Yes." He said leading me up the stairs.


"I watched over Rin's Lineage."

"What does that have't Shippo still be alive? There kids should be alive too, and they shouldnt have grand kids. What your implying is impossible! I'm not a demon!" I said stopping midway then running to catch up with him.

"That is true your blood doesn't contain enough demon to be one. Over half the humans today don't know of there demonic desent. Shippo and Rin had a girl. She grew up and had a son. That son married and had another son who married your mother and had you."

" I'm like one tenth demon?" I asked looking down at myself as if I would find something that would tell me so. He opened the door and went in.

"Not enough to be classified demon. Your human."

"And Rin's great granddaughter...damn. What a tottal mind fuck!" Wait so where's Shippo, and my grandpa?" I asked sitting down on the bed.

"Shippo is currently in Madagascar, your grandfather is in America close to where you live."

"Wow...I just don't know what to say. Everything in my life has been a lie almost. I'm not mad just blown away by how blind we are." I said sitting down on the large bed.

"Yes, we have made sure to hide from the eyes of humans."

" how long did you know of me?"

"I watched you be born." He said casually sitting down.

"Holy shit. watched me..nope not going to even go there." I said jumping up and looking down at him.

"Hn..." He said with a blank face.

"Holy all this shit in my size? It is! It's like you've been stalking me all this time."

"Not stalking, watching."

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