"Thank you again, Michael, for keeping everything in check around here." I say.

"Of course. I understand it's a tough time right now." He nods.

"Yeah...it's been really crazy lately. I'll try my best to be around more." I tell him.

"No pressure. I've got things covered whenever you need me to." He gives me a friendly smile.

I finally came back to work today. Michael has been very understanding about everything and helping me keep things in line.

"Alright, I'll see you tomorrow then." I wave to him as I gather my things to leave.

"Get home safe." He says.

I give him one last smile before walking out to my car. I smile when I see Zayn leaned up against my car, phone in hand, scrolling away.

"Zayn! What are you doing here?" I grin, approaching him and hugging him tightly.

"I have somewhere I was told to take you." He smirks knowingly.

I furrowed my brows, titling my head. "What do you mean?"

He held up a finger and opened the back seat door, pulling out a plastic bag. "Go put this on first."

"Okay?" I say, hesitantly grabbing the bag of clothing. "I'll be right back."

I head back inside and change into the outfit Zayn stuffed in the plastic bag. It was a simple sun dress. It was very plain but cute. I fixed my hair up a bit since it had gotten frizzy from the humidity of the diner and put on some lip gloss to add to the final look.

I put my work clothes into the plastic bag and go back outside to Zayn, who was now sitting in the driver's seat, the car on and ready to go. I get in and throw the bag into the backseat.

"Where are we going?" I ask.

"You'll see." Is all he says.

I tried to get Zayn to budge and tell me where he was taking me the whole twenty minute drive to this mystery place, but it was useless. It was dark outside, I worked night shift. I couldn't see where we were.

"Okay, just follow that trail, and you'll be there." He says, patting my shoulder.

"Are you planning to murder me? Should I be worried?"

He shakes his head, chuckling.

"You're telling me to walk down a dark pathway alone and think I'm not gonna be suspicious?" I joke.

"Do you trust me?" He asks, looking me in the eyes.

I sigh. "Yeah. I do."

He smiles and grabs my hand. "Then go have fun, Ems."

I lean in, giving him a short hug before getting out. I watch as he drives away, not bothering to even start to wonder how im getting home. I sigh and begin walking the path that is dimly lit by the moonlight. Slowly, it started to get brighter, small candles placed along the way. Eventually, the pathway opened up into a small wooded area.

I gasped when I saw Louis standing there. There was a blanket layed on the ground, candles lit all around, a bundle of flowers lying in the middle of the blanket, and some wine set to the side.

"Oh my gosh." I brought my hand up to cover my mouth.

"Hello darling." Louis smiles at me.

"Did you do all of this?" I asked.

He nodded. "I did. I figured it's time we have a proper first date."

I met him at the blanket, wrapping my arms around his neck and hugging him. "I love it."

"I'm glad. I was hoping you would." He admits.

We pull apart, sitting down on the blanket now. He grabbed the glasses that were set to the side and filled them with red wine. He handed one to me and kept one for himself.

"Thank you." I say, taking the glass from his hands and taking a small sip. Red wine is my favorite. "How'd you know I love red wine?"

"Alex and Amy helped me out a bit." He answered.

"You're so sweet. This is amazing." I gushed.

He smiles at me, leaning in to kiss me sweetly. The kiss deepened, his tongue finding its way into my mouth. Suddenly, he pulled back.

"Let's eat and save this for after, love." He said, pecking my lips once more.

He reached behind him, grabbing the bag of my favorite takeout and setting it in front of us.

"I got your order too." He told me.

My heart felt overjoyed. After all the months of chaos and hurt, a moment like this really means a lot. To see Louis doing all of this for me just warms my heart. I didn't think I could fall more in love with him than I already am, but I was wrong. My heart beats for him.

"I love you so much."

He looked up, smiling. "I love you so much, too."

After we ate, we layed down on the blanket looking at the stars. We lay tangled up with each other, completely in love.

"Tonight's been amazing, Louis." I tell him, turning my head to look over at him.

He does the same, turning his head so his sparkling blue eyes meet mine.

"I'm glad you liked it." He says.

"Thank you." I say, letting my hand cup his face.

"Of course, baby." He whispers, his lips brushing against mine.

My eyes flickered down to his lips, wanting to taste them so badly. As if he's thinking the same thing, he closes the gap between us and kisses me. His arm wraps around my waste, yanking me against his warm body. His lips are soft and warm against mine.

My body takes control, not giving my mind time to think, as I move to straddle him. He rests his hands on my hips as I lean down and kiss him with so much hunger. He tasted like wine, making me grin against his lips. I slowly start to kiss down his jaw to his neck. His grip tightens as I hear his breath hitch. I start to move my hips in a circular motion against him, earning a throaty groan.

"Emery," he breathes out. "If you don't wanna have sex we should stop here."

I pull away, looking down at him. Every part of my body wants him. It craves him.

"I want to."

He looked hesitant."Emmy...are you sure?"

I nod, giving him a gentle kiss. "Louis, I need you."

That's all it took for him to begin kissing me.

Undeniable | Louis TomlinsonWhere stories live. Discover now