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"I don't wanna let go, 

I know I'm not that strong."

"Hey, wake up babe." Louis' voice woke me.

My eyes fluttered open, seeing him bent down in front of me. I sat up, noticing I was still on the couch from last night. And Louis stayed. He didn't leave throughout the night.

"What time is it?" I yawned and stood up, Louis doing the same.

"Nine." He answered following me over to the kitchen where I then grabbed my Dad a glass of water.

I nodded and continue filling the glass with cold water. Once its filled, I shut the water off and padded my way to my Dads room.

"You didn't leave." I said quietly, my hand reaching for the doorknob.

"Of course not." He answered as if it were an absurd question.

I smiled softly at him, admiring him. This boy really was real. He was here. And somehow he's here with me.

I opened the door and walked inside my Dads dark and gloomy room. All the curtains were closed blocking out any source of light and the lights were off. I flipped the lights on, illuminating the room. I saw my Dad peacefully asleep under the covers. I sat down at the edge of the bed beside him and lightly shook him.

"Dad, come on its time to get up. I'm making pancakes. You're favorite." I smiled.

He didn't move. His eyes didn't open like I expected them too. He didn't wrap his arms around me and give me a big hug. He didn't tell me I was a bad cook and protest for him to make breakfast instead. He simply- didn't do anything.

Everything else after that was a blurr. All I remember is Louis pulling my crying shaking body away from my Dad and calling 911. Now, I was sitting in a hospital. He was gone. They pronounced him dead at 9:32 a.m. Amy and Alex had come up to the hospital too. The other guys also.

I sat there, Louis' arms wrapped tightly around me as I sat there blankly. I couldn't cry anything. My face was red and my eyes were swollen.

"Come on, we should go home." Alex said, knelt down in front of me. Her brown worried eyes searched mine, trying to read me.

I didn't respond. If I left it makes this all more real. I stared blankly at Louis' tattoos.

"C'mon, Emery." Louis nudged me softly.

I got up, Louis standing up after me. His hand snaked around my waist, and we began walking out of the hospital. We got into our separate cars and left.

When we arrived at our house and the boys decided to stay.  I really didn't feel like staying at home and having so much time to just think about the fact that my dad's dead. So, I got an idea. I went over to Alex who was currently taking her shoes off.  

"Hey, do you want to go out to the club tonight?" I asked her. 

She looked bewildered. Her eyes went wide, and her jaw dropped slightly. "Don't you want to stay home though?" 

I glanced towards the boys and Amy and noticed they were now listening to our conversation, also looking shocked. I'd rather them look at me like that then to look at me with pity like they were before. 

I rolled my eyes. "Duh. C'mon you always want to go out, don't let me down now." 

She looked back at Amy like she was looking for advice. Amy just shrugged with a sad face. "Yeah...I guess we can go out." 

I grinned and clapped my hands together. "Great. I'm gonna go get ready." 

I spun on my heel and left the room. I went to my closet and picked out a simple but cute outfit, making sure it still covered my healing cuts. I heard a knock on my door just as I finished changing. 

"Come in." I called out. 

The door creaked as it opened, and Louis stepped inside. "Hey,"

"Hi," I responded back. 

He shut the door and walked over to me. He held both my hands in his, rubbing them with his thumb. 

"Are you sure you wanna go out tonight?" He asked me. 

"Yes, Louis. I want to go out. It's so boring here." I explained. 

"Love, your dad just died..." He said, a crease forming between his eyebrows. 

I scoffed and pulled my hands out of his grip. I turned around, grabbing my phone and walking out of the room. I heard Louis sigh, but I didn't care. I shouldn't be questioned for why I want to go out. Can't they just leave me alone? 

"You guys coming?" I asked, standing in front of everyone. 

"Yeah. I'll be driving though." Niall said, grabbing the keys out of my hand. 

I shrugged and followed him out to the car. We all crammed into the car and Niall began driving. When we arrived, the club was extremely crowded. I grinned and got out of the car, slamming the door behind me. Everyone else followed behind me. I found Zayn and grabbed his hand, getting his attention. 

"Hey, let's go get some drinks. I need to be drunk right now." I chuckled. 

"Oh-uhm okay, yeah. Let's go." He agreed. 

I pulled him along to the bar and ordered us both a drink. 

"Here you are." The bartender said as he handed us our drinks. 

"Thank you very much, sir!" I smiled and grabbed my drink from him, along with Zayn's.  

I gave Zayn his drink and we left the bar and found everyone else sitting at a table. I slide into the booth by Harry, Zayn sitting beside Niall. 

"Hey guys, why are you all just sitting here? You should be dancing!" I laughed before chugging my drink and slamming the glass back onto the table. 

"Suit yourselves." I shrugged, getting up and walking away. 

I felt a hand slip into mine, making me turn around and see Louis. He didn't look happy to be here, but he still followed me. He looked amazing under the dim lights of the club. His hair was slightly messy but still looked insanely sexy, and he was wearing a black t-shirt along with some matching black skinny jeans. 

I pulled his hands and set it on my waist and moved mine up to wrap around his neck. "Finally getting you to dance with me, Tomlinson." I tilted my head with a smirk. 

He let out a quiet laugh that I couldn't hear over the music and voices in the room. "I guess so." 


A/N- I got this chapter out a bit faster than I did the recent ones! Be proud of me! 

Anyway...I was reading over this yesterday and noticed that I changed Emery's Dad's name twice and I also made him meet Louis for the first time twice. Just ignore that until I go back and fix it lmao. 

Well, Have a splendid day!!

Undeniable | Louis TomlinsonHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin