I'm finally home after a long day of work. I walk inside throwing my keys on the counter carelessly. I sit down on the couch and let out a sigh. The front door opens and in walks all the boys. I groan tossing my head back against the couch.

"Why are you here?" I ask.

Amy and Alex walk out of there rooms, most likely hearing the guys.

"We need to talk about something." Liam says.

"Okay, what is it?" I say as Niall sits besides me.

"Marcus wants all of you to help us with a robery." Zayn says rolling eyes obviously not being pleased about it.

Amy's eyes widen. "A robbery? What if we get caught! I don't wanna got to jail."

Liam grabs her hand in attempt to comfort her.

"Why does he want us to help?" Alex asks.

Harry sighs. "Because it's a bigger mission and we need help with it. He insisted you girls helped."

I furrow my brows. "Why does he keep wanting us to help when he has plenty of trained guys for this?"

"This is basically a insurance policy to ensure you guys won't say anything to anyone about all this. Because now he has something against you." Niall says from beside me.

Of course. Why didn't I think of that? We can't say anything to the cops about his little operation if we've participated in it. If we were to say anything he could tell them all of the things we've done to help and would also he taken to jail. I think he should of already assumed we wouldn't say anything because we wouldn't want the boys to go to jail.

Maybe that makes us bad people for keeping quiet about literal murderer gang members, but they're good people from what I've seen. They didn't ask for this life. Although I don't know exactly why they're part of all this besides maybe Harry.

"So when is it?" I ask.

"Tonight." Harry answers shortly.

"I was not expecting to come home and have to rob a bank." I say rubbing my temples.

"We need to go back to our house, all of you girls gear is there." Liam says.

I look at Amy and Alex in there full black outfits that are matching to the boys but more feminine. We've each been given a gun to hold. They aren't loaded, they're just to scare people.

"Alright here's the plan," Harry starts. "Nialls gonna be the getaway driver, Amy and Liam are gonna be on watch out for the cops, Alex, Zayn and I will be watching the customers and workers, and Louis and Emery will be getting the money."

That shouldn't be too bad right? All I have to do is grab some money. It'll be fine. Besides, the boys have done this before. What are the chances it's gonna go wrong this specific time.

We arrive at the bank parking out back. Niall stays in the van with the car started.

"Good luck, don't mess this up." Niall says.

I roll my eyes at him. "Thanks."

We walk up to the front doors of the bank, our masks pulled down over our faces. Harry nods in a way of saying, let's do this. He and Zayn bust through the doors holding their guns up.

"Get down!" Harry yells pointing his gun around the room.

The room erupts into screams from the panicked people.

"Now!" Zayn screams.

Everyone lowers to the ground not wanting to be shot.

"Alright go," Harry nods to Louis and I.

Louis puts his hand on my lower back quickly leading me to one of the back storage rooms. He runs over to a large safe and holds his gun up to it.

"Back up," he tells me.

I listen to him and back away.

He shoots the lock but it's doesn't budge. It only makes it bent.

"Fuck," he curses lowering his gun. "Stay here I have to go get a worker to open this."

"Wait, don't leave!" I say not wanting to be left alone during this operation.

"It'll be fine, okay?" He tells me as his eyes find mine.

I nod crossing my arms over my chest. Louis walks out of the room quickly. I pace back and forth anxiously.

I flinch when I hear gunshots go off. I'm about to leave the room to see what's going on when Louis rushes in.

"Louis what's going on!" I ask frantically.

"We have to hurry. Harry had to shoot someone because they had a gun." He says with a set of keys in his hand.

He unlocks the medium sized safe and starts stuffing the bags we brought with the money inside.

"Here," he tosses me the now full bag.

I sling the heavy bag of paper over my shoulder and fix my mask to be sure you can't see any of my main features. He begins filling the other two bags. Once they're full he grabs my arm.

"We gotta go. Everyone's already waiting for us. The cops are on their way." He says pulling me through the building.

The sirens become louder and louder as Louis and I run through the building looking for an escape. I panic, worrying that we won't make it out in time.

"Where the fuck is the exit!" Louis shouts in frustration.

"Holy shit, we're gonna go to prison." I say breathing heavily.

"Emery chill out. We'll be fine okay." He tells me.

Just as I'm about to give up we find the exit door. Louis sighs in relief and pushes it open. We hurry out the door and into the van. Niall starts driving as soon as the doors shut.

"You guys made it just in time." Liam says.

"I know. We couldn't find the exit." Louis says.

"Holy fuck. That was the scariest shit I've ever done. I'm a criminal. I just robbed a bank." I ramble.

Harry chuckles and Alex smacks him in the arm.

"It's not funny h!" She whines.

"Yes it is." He protests.

"Of course it's funny to you! It's not funny to us non-criminals!" I complain. "Fuck! We're criminals now."

"We're criminals...we just robbed a bank." Amy says.

"Would you guys calm the fuck down, it's fine." Niall says.

"I need a fucking drink when we get home." Zayn groans.

"Me too." Liam agrees.

It didn't hit me before when I stole the ring that I was committing a crime but it is now. Before, I was stealing from another criminal. Now, I've actually just robbed a bank. Like this is probably gonna be on the news. I robbed the bank that's gonna be on the news.

"Calm down love. You're fine." Louis says lacing his hand with mine.

I force a small smile at him. His thumb runs over my knuckles to soothe me which works.

Louis really confuses me. There's times where he's being nice like this, and acting like he cares about me. Then there's the other times where he's being an absolute dick to me.

I confuse myself too. I find myself caring about where he is or how he's doing. Even when he treats me like shit.

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