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I wake up to Louis lightly shaking me.

"Love wake up, you have work today remember?" He whispers brushing hair out of my face.

I open my eyes and see he's still holding me. I smile to myself before sitting up. I move the blankets off of me and get out of the bed.

"Thank you for last night Louis." I smile at him.


"Oh uhm and could you please not mention what happened to anyone?" I ask.

"Oh yeah I won't." He nods.

I smile at him and leave his room. Once I'm dressed Zayn takes us back home. I quickly change and head to work. I walk in and see a new guy behind the counter. He has scruffy blonde hair and blue eyes.

"Hi! You must be new." I greet him.

He nods. "Yeah, I am. Im Michael."

"I'm Emery. It's nice to meet you." I smile.

"You too. I guess I'm training you today." I say.

"Well why don't we get started then." I tell him.

It's finally the end of the work day. Michael is actually really cool and he was actually fun to train.

"Bye Michael, I'll see you my next work shift." I wave goodbye.

"See ya!" He waves back walking to his car.

I pull up at my flat seeing both the girls are gone. I park my car and slowly walk up to the house. Ever since everything that happened I hate being alone. It terrifies me. I enter the house, closing the door and locking it behind me. I run to my room and lock that door too.

I pull out my phone and call Zayn. It goes go voice-mail. Next up on my list, Louis. He immediately picks up.

"What's up love?" He says.

"Uhm well I'm home alone and uh- can you come over please?" I ask.

"Of course, Is everything alright?" He asks.

"Yeah everything's fine I just don't like staying home alone, it freaks me out." I tell him.

"Alright well I'm leaving right now so I'll see you in a minute, yeah?" He says.

"Okay, bye Louis." I said.

"Bye babe." He says before he hangs up.

I'm not alone for long until I get a text from Louis telling me he's here. I leave my room and let him inside.

"Hey love, how was work?" He asked sitting on the couch.

I sit beside him. "It was good. I started training this new guy Michael." I tell him.

"Is he nice?" He asks.

"Yeah he's pretty cool." I shrug. "Hey wanna watch a movie or something?"

"Sure," he chuckles.

"Oo! We should watch 10 Things I Hate About You. I love that movie." I say turning the TV on.

"Never seen it." He shrugs.

My mouth falls open. "No way! Everyone's seen it."

"Not me."

"Okay we're definitely watching it." I say turning It on.

I grab a blanket and turn the lights off, sitting back down by Louis. His arm wraps around my waist pulling into his chest. I don't know why all the sudden he's acting like this but I don't hate it.


"I love this part its so cute." I say.

Louis chuckles, "Is it now?"

"It really is. Shut up and see." I laugh.

I hear the door open. I don't look to see who it is and just keep watching the movie. Louis' head turns to look.

"Hey H," Louis says.

I sit up and see Harry and Alex. Looks like we both brought home guest. She looks at me the same way I'm looking at her. Then she winks. I groan and fall back down into Louis. He laughs running his hands through my hair. My vision is blocked by a pair of legs wearing skinny jeans.

"Harry move!" I say smacking his legs.

He chuckles. "We have to go."

"Why?" I groan.

"You and I have to bring the ring in." He says.

"Why can't you go alone?" I ask.

"Because Marcus will want to speak with you not me." He says. "We'll leave in 5 minutes so be ready."

He walks away and goes into Alex's room leaving me and Louis together again.

"It'll be fine love. Don't worry." Louis coos hugging me.

I sit up fixing my hair. "Well I guess I better get ready then."

I totally forgot I was still In my work clothes. I get up and quickly change into a pair of jeans and a t shirt. I grab Zayns hoodie he left here and throw that on over it. I leave my room and see Louis on the couch still.

I sit beside him and he turns to face me. He grabs my hand lightly running his thumb up and down.

"Do you want me to stay here and wait for you?" He asks.

"You don't have to- it's fine really." I tell him.

"I don't mind it Emery. I'll stay okay?" He says.

I sigh. "Why have you been acting so different?"

"What do you mean?" He asks.

"Usually you never really talked or hung out with me like this...why now?" I ask.

He looks down at our hands before looking back into my eyes.

"I guess I just had a change of heart about you." He says.

Before I can respond Harry comes in.

"Let's go." He says.

I give Louis a smile and get up to follow Harry. I get into the car after Harry and we begin driving.

"This time please try to not talk like last time. It doesn't always end well. Let me handle it." He tells me keeping his eyes on the road.

We arrive a while later at the same mansion. We go inside and go straight to Marcus's office. Harry opens the door and we walk inside standing in front of Marcus.

"I'm assuming you got the ring?" He says folding his hands in front of him.

Harry pulls the ring out of his pocket and sets it on his desk. Marcus smirks.

"Excellent." He says picking it up and examining it.

"If that's all we'll be leaving." Harry says grabbing my wrist and going to turn around.

"Uh uh uh," he stops us.

"What?" Harry spits.

"I think you would make a good addition here." He says.

"No." I say.

His eyes widen with amusement. "No? I could end your life right now and that's what you have to say?"

"I'm not doing anything else for you." I say.

"Fine...have it your way." He shrugs. "You may leave now."

I mentally sigh in relief that he's letting us go so easily.

Undeniable | Louis TomlinsonHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin