Harry and I pulled into the driveway. I didn't wanna go in. Who knows what he could want.

"Do you think it's gonna go bad?" I asked Harry who was pinching his bottom lip between his fingers.

"I don't know, Emery" He said harshly, intensely staring at the building. "Just, let me do the talking, okay?" 

I nodded, biting my lips anxiously. Harry opened his door so I did the same, meeting him in front of the car. We walked side by side into the huge mansion. The guards didn't even glance our way, knowing who Harry was as he walked confidently through the place. Me on the other hand, most likely did not appear confident.

We stood in front of the same doors we have every other time I've been here. I swallowed the lump in my throat as Harry pushed the large doors open. My breath hitched as I saw Marcus sitting there at his large black desk.

"Welcome," He grinned, motioning for us to come in.

"Why are we here?" Harry went straight to the point. 

Marcus smirked, stepping around his desk to stand in front of us. I tried not to look afraid as I shifted closer to Harry. 

"Don't be afraid, sweetheart." He looked to me. "I'm not going to hurt you."

"I'm not afraid." I shook my head, hoping I sounded confident.

He chuckled. "If you say so."

"Just get to the fucking point already." Harry spit, getting agitated.

Marcus stood up straighter and looked between the both of us before speaking. "I heard about your little stunt at the bar the other night. I'm not very happy with you right now. But you will repay me for your mistake."

We waited for him to continue. 

"Ashton reached out to me and said that he wouldn't contact the police if I payed him a fee. A very large fee might I add." Marcus looked annoyed as he spoke. "The money I gave him was supposed to go to someone in Italy I owed money to."

My stomach twisted at the thought of how many people around the world were incorporated with this gang. At how many sick people there are. 

"Since, I don't have the money for him anymore, I rather just rid of him completely. That's where you come in." A smirk grew on his face.

I held my breath, afraid of what I suspected was coming next.

"You two are going to go to Italy, alone, and assassinate him." He finished.

My head started to spin. I couldn't kill someone. It makes me feel sick at the idea. I can't believe he still keeps asking me to partake in these missions. I'm not even part of this gang. I already feel bad enough knowing about this gang and not being able to say anything about it. I would never put my own boyfriend or any of my friends in danger like that.

"Let me do it. She doesn't need to be part of this." Harry tried to negotiate.

Marcus shook his head, letting quite laugh fall from his lips. "She must go. Our conversation is over. You won't be getting out of this so just get over it."

I felt my blood boil as he wanted us to just get over the fact that he wanted us to kill someone. 

"Are you serious? Get over it?" I scoffed.

Harry gave me a warning look, as if telling me to shut the fuck up. But I wasn't going to listen. 

"Excuse me?" Marcus said, clearly taken back by my outburst. 

"This is bullshit. You want us to go kill someone because you don't have the money to pay them back?" I rolled my eyes, crossing my arms over my chest.

Before I could even think his fist hit my face so hard I fell over. I whined in pain as I felt Harry kneel by my side, grabbing my face in his hands. After he made sure I was okay, he stood up and stormed towards his father, bringing his fist up to hit him. Marcus was quick enough to catch his fist before it could hit him though. 

"Don't fucking touch her." Harry hissed through gritted teeth.

I felt my head spinning as I lifted my hand up to my face, feeling the blood pooling from my nose and lip. 

"Then keep her fucking in line." Marcus said sternly, his jaw being clenched in anger. 

Harry lifted me off the ground keeping his arm around my waist to hold me up. My head was pounding. My head must of banged against the floor when I fell. I was still in disbelief he even did that. 

"Be here at five a.m tomorrow for your jet." He told us before Harry walked us out of the room. 

I was shaking from what just happened as Harry led me to a bathroom. 

"I'm sorry." I whispered.

He shook his head as he let go of me and let me lean against the counter. 

"Yeah, now I have to deal with Louis." He said, as he opened the floor length cupboard and grabbed a first aid kit. 

I felt the tears welling in my eyes from this whole situation. I felt overwhelmed. I was in pain and I had to go kill someone the next day. And now I had gotten Harry in all this trouble. I shouldn't of been so reckless. I shouldn't of let Harry come with me that day. I shouldn't even have gone at all.

I looked up and saw Harry had stepped in front of me, the first aid kit sitting on the counter next to me.

"Look, I'm sorry." He sighed, looking at the ground. "I know I've been being a dick to you today."

I shook my head. "No, this is all my fault. You're right to be mad." 

He put his hands on both my arms, looking me in the eyes. "Emery, it isn't about this."

I furrowed my brows in confusion. "Then what is it about, Harry?"

He looked down. "I read the letter you left for me." He said quietly. 

"oh." was all I said, not knowing what to say to him. 

I forgot about writing letters to everyone and maybe I let myself forget about it because I didn't want to have to face everyone after writing them. I didn't think I'd still be here to see their reactions. 

"I'm sorry Harry." My voice cracked.

He closed his eyes, letting his hands fall from my arms. "I really thought you were gone. It affected me more than I would of expected." 

I felt bad for putting him and everyone through the pain of thinking they lost me. I was so selfish. I felt a tear slip down my cheek as he spoke again.

"When Zayn called and told me what had happened I felt something I've never felt before. I was afraid. I didn't wanna lose my friend." he admitted.

My heart broke at his words. I was so careless of how everyone else felt about all of this.

"Harry..." I whispered, wrapping my arms around his neck and pulling him against me. I was surprised when he actually allowed me to hug him and not only that but he wrapped his arms around my waist and hugged me back. My tears made his shoulder damp, as I cried.

We stayed like that for a little, enjoying each others embrace. I had never seen this side of Harry but I was glad he felt we were close enough to show me it. He was my friend, and I didn't want to ever make him feel this way again. 

Harry then cleaned my face up a bit before we headed home, preparing to have to deal with Louis. 



okayyy a little harry and emery moment going on...a friendship building. love it

as always comment and vote please! 

all the love xx

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