"I'll be right back Dad. I need to use the bathroom." I tell my dad who lays in a hospital bed.

"Alright, don't take too long. I'll miss you." He smiles.

I smile back at him. "I won't."

I left the room with a sigh and headed towards the bathroom. As soon as I entered I broke down in tears.

I hated seeing my Dad like that. He's slowly dying in front of me and it's killing me. I watch him get sicker and sicker as the days go by. He didn't deserve any of this. He's a nice man. Why do bad things happen to good people?

I leaned against the sink as I cried. I wiped my tears from my eyes and went into a stall. (TW! Blades! SH!) Opening up my purse, I grabbed a small black bag. I opened the bag and pulled out the small blade.

This was the only way. I couldn't feel this pain anymore. I needed to think about something else. Focus, on anything else.

I slid the blade across my wrist, blood slowly forming on the wound. I repeated this a few more times until I felt numb enough to go back to my Dad.

My phone started to ring from inside my purse as I walked back to my Dads room. I pulled it out, seeing it was Alex.

"What's up?" I answered with the best happy voice I could.

"Hey! Just wanted to let you know that I invited the guys over to watch Halloween movies tonight." She told me.

"Okay, I'll be home in about an hour so." I said.

"Alright. I'll see you later, love you."

"Love you too Alex." I said before hanging up.

I walked into the house, everyone in the kitchen looking at me.

"Hey Emery!" Amy greeted me.

"Hey." I forced a smile.

My eyes met Louis' for a brief moment before he looked away with a disinterested look.

"I'm really tired. I think I'm just gonna go take a nap." I told them.

"Oh, okay." Amy replied looking slightly bummed.

I gave them a small smile before walking to my room and shutting the door. I took off my clothes and grabbed Zayns hoodie and a pair of sweats to change into.

I winced in pain when the fabric of the hoodie rubbed against my cuts. I pulled the sleeve down further just to make sure they were all covered and climbed into bed.

I layed there for a while before I heard my door open. I didn't move, maybe they'd think I was sleeping. I felt the bed dip down beside me.

When I looked over I saw Louis sitting beside me.

"Why are you here Louis?" I mumbled.

"Because somethings going on with you lately." He said.

I layed there silently. I don't owe him any explanation for anything.

"Tell me whats going on, love." He whispered, looking over to me.

Tears brimmed my eyes for some reason. I knew I couldn't keep myself together. All it took was one look at him and I would fall apart.

"I'm fine." I said, my voice shaky and weak.

"I'm not leaving until you tell me what's wrong, and don't even try lying to me." He said.

I sat up finally as he turned to face me.

"Just leave." I said as I ran my hands through my hair.

He went silent, his lips parted and his eyes set on something. I followed his eyes and noticed he was staring at my wrist. I quickly pulled my sleeve down.

"Show me your wrist."

I panicked, trying to think of something to say.

"No. Everything's fine Louis, okay?" I snapped.

"Show me your wrist Emery." He demanded.

"Fuck you." I glared at him. "Leave."

He reached forward and grabbed my arm making me hiss in pain. He quickly pulled my sleeve up to expose my wrist full of cuts.

A tear slid down my cheek as he held my wrist in his hand.

"Fuck..." he cursed under his breathe.

"Louis it's fine- I-I it's doesn't even matter okay." I cried, yanking my arm away and pulling my sleeve back down.

"Come here," he said.

I hesitantly moved closer to him. I felt my body relax and let out a sigh when he finally wrapped his arms around me and pulled me into his lap. My shoulders shook as I cried into his neck.

"I'm sorry. I'm so fucking sorry baby." His voice was muffled against my hair.

I lifted my head to look at his glossed over blue eyes.

"It's not your fault." I shook my head.

"I shouldn't have pushed you away. I could of stopped this. I could of been there." He looked down.

I let out a sad laugh. "It's gonna take a lot more than that to push me away."

His hand gently grabbed my jaw and brought my lips down to his.

"Promise me you'll stop. Come to me when you want to do it. Please." He pleaded.

I brought my hand to his face, my thumb brushing over his lips.

"I promise." I agreed.

After Louis and I talked we went out and watched the movies with everyone else. We've gone through one movie and now we're moving onto another.

"I'm gonna make some popcorn. Anyone want anything?" Amy stood.

"Can you bring me a pepsi?" Alex asked.

"Get me one too." Harry said from beside Alex, his arm wrapped around her.

I smiled fondly at them. I never thought I would of seen the day where Alex actually settled into a relationship instead of random hook ups. Not that she couldn't do that, it's just she always said relationships weren't her thing.

"Alright. Anyone else?" Amy asked.

Nobody replied so Amy left the room and headed to the kitchen.

Louis' hand was warm on my thigh, my legs lying on top of his. I layed my head on his chest making him wrap his arm around my waist.

"It's hard to concentrate on the movie when you're on top of me babe." Louis whispered to me.

I laughed quietly as I pressed a small kiss to his neck. I looked up to see a smirk on his lips as he watched the movie. Luckily, nobody else could really see anything since it was dark.

I peppered kisses along his jaw and down his neck, feeling his warm skin beneath my lips. He hummed softly in appreciation, beginning to draw shapes with his finger onto my leg.

"I don't know what's going on over there but I'm hearing some weird stuff and I don't like it." Niall said.

I laughed as I snuggled closer to Louis. This night wasn't so bad after all.

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