"She's kinda hot though,"


I wake up to a hand brushing strands of hair from my face gently. My eyes flutter open to see Louis' bright blue eyes staring at me.

I smiled, cuddling closer to him. "Morning," I mumbled tiredly.

"Morning, babe." He replied.

It all hit me like a train. My Dad was dead. He was gone. He was never coming back. I wasn't going to cut anymore--or at least I'd try not to. There's other ways I can cope.

"I have to go see my sister in a bit." Louis told me.

I nodded. "How is she?" I asked him.

"She's doing good. Maybe you can meet her one day." He brought up the idea.

That made my heart feel funny in my chest. He wants me to meet his sister. Someone so close to him. Someone he doesn't tell many people about.

"I'd like that a lot." I smiled brightly at him.

"Good." He pecked my lips. "I have to go."

I kissed him, pulling him close to me. "Mm, alright."

He sat up, throwing the covers off of himself and grabbing his jacket.

"Bye." I smiled at him, cuddling up under the covers.

"Bye," He said before coming back over to me and kissing me.

As soon as he left, my smile completely faded. I got of bed, sliding on a sweatshirt I think was Zayns and headed into the kitchen. Nobody was there but Harry, who sat on his phone as he leaned against the counter.

I went straight to the cupboard and grabbed a glass cup and then going to the fridge and got out the vodka and orange juice. I mixed the two together in my cup and drank all of it. Harry glanced at me before looking back down at his phone, which looked small compared to his large hands.

I filled the glass the again, and then three more times before putting it in the sink. I walked past Harry to grab my shoes. I slid them on and grabbed the door handle to walk out when a hand grabbed my shoulder and spun me around to face them. 

"Where are you going?" Harry asked, looking at me expectantly.

I rolled my eyes at his nosy-ness. "To the bar if you must know."

His brows furrowed in confusion. "It's ten a.m." He stated as if I already didn't know.

"And?" I shrugged before walking out the door.

I got into my car and started it. I jumped when the passenger side door opened. It was Harry. He followed me.

"What are you doing?" I asked him with furrowed brows.

"I'm not letting you go to the bar by yourself." He mumbled, slamming the door closed.

When we arrived at the bar and there wasn't many people there since it was early. I got out of the car, Harry following behind me. We walked inside the very empty bar and walk over to the bartender.

"A platter of shots please." I ask the bartender that looked to be around my age.

He smirked at me. "Coming right up, beautiful."

He was a bit shorter than Harry and was wearing a plain black t-shirt with a pair of ripped black skinny jeans. He had a deep red bandana that kept all of his dirty blonde curly locks in place. He's kinda hot though.

Harry and each pulled out a stool and sat down while the hot bartender grabbed my shots. Soon, he set a platter in front of us.

"Here you are." He winked at me.

"Thank you very much..." I trailed off waiting for him to tell me his name.

"Ashton." He grinned, dimples popping. "What's yours?"

"Emery." I told him, tossing one of the shots back.

I felt the burn of the intense alcohol in my throat. Soon, once I had finished all of these  shots I'd be plastered. Just how I wanted to be.

"Nice." He replied. "Let me know if you need me."

"I will." I nodded before he walked away to tend to someone else.

I drank all the shots by myself since Harry was being a buzzkill and didn't wanna have any. Eventually, I found myself dancing to the jukebox while Harry sat at the bar still with his arms crossed. Grumpy.

"Ashton!" I sing songed as I danced.

It was almost noon now.

"More shots?" He chuckled from behind the bar.

I shook my head at him. "Just give me the whole vodka bottle."

He smirked, holding out the bottle out to me. "Alright."

I danced my way over to him and grabbed the bottle, bringing it to my lips and taking a large drink.

"You need to slow down. I'm gonna have to carry you out of here." Harry warned.

I laughed at him, walking over and setting the bottle down in front of him.

"C'mon, lighten up. Have a drink." I insisted.

"No. I have to be the one to take you home after this." He said.

I rolled my eyes. "We'll call an Uber. Just drink."

He sighed and reached forward to grab the bottle. He took a drink, not even seeming fazed at the foul taste as he drank. I clapped my hands together, celebrating my win.


Many drinks later, I had gotten Harry to dance. Well, not exactly dancing, more like standing there looking angry while slightly bobbing his head to the music while I danced. At this point the bar was more full since it was around three p.m. Harry and I were the only people dancing but I didn't mind.

"Harry, pass the vodka." I said, whilst swaying back and forth to the music.

He took another swig before handing the bottle to me. But before it could reach my hands, someone had bumped into Harry making the bottle fall the ground and shatter.

Harry instantly turned around to find a guy that looked to be our age. He was the same height as Harry and had a well kept look. He looked like a snob.

"Watch where you're going mate." The man said to Harry while chuckling and looking back at his friends.

I mocked their laughs which made them glare at me in sync. I chuckled, raising my hands in the air in defense.

"You fucking bumped into me, jackass." Harry spat.

His voice was already so venomous. It didn't take much to get Harry angry. Who knows what he'll do. Especially being drunk. And I was the only person here to control him.

"Who even are you? I've never seen you around here." He said. "I told Ashton to stop letting all the strays in."

It happened so quick I couldn't even register it. Harry reached into the wasteband of his jeans and pulled out a gun, pointing it directly at him.


A/n- looks like harrys a bit of an aggressive drunk...


I'm trying to get chapters out as soon as I can so bare with me!

As always vote and comment <3

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