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When I wake up I'm not alone like I expected. Louis is still sound asleep next to me. I check the time, 4 am. I knew I wouldn't be able to sleep for long. I sit up running my hands through my hair. I crawl out of bed being sure not to wake Louis up.

My feet pad across the warm carpet and onto the cold bathroom tile. I close the door locking myself in. I stand in front of the mirror once again. I lift my shirt, all the bruises and marks becoming visible. I run my fingers over a bruise on side from Luke kicking me. Every time I see these marks and bruises I think about them..I can't think about them..

I open the bathroom door seeing Louis still asleep on the bed. I tip toe downstairs until I make it to the kitchen. I know this is gonna sound stupid but I need to find a way to not think about them anymore. They've overtaken everything in my life and I won't let them have my body too. So there's one way to make it mine again.

I stand in front of the counter staring at the drawer. I step forward, opening the drawer. I dig through it and finally find a small knife. I take it and close the drawer quietly. I go back to the bathroom in Zayns room as quite as I can.

I sit on the floor, the knife sitting in my hand resting on the floor. There's no going back.

I lift my shirt to expose my stomach. I hover the knife above one of the bruises. I close my eyes taking a deep breath. Then I make a small cut over the bruise. I wince loudly, covering my mouth in a hurry. If Louis wakes up this won't be good to explain.

"Fuck..." I curse under my breathe. That hurt more than I thought it would.

I keep making more and more cuts until the whole bruise is covered. Now they didn't leave those marks, I did. I move to the next bruise, a much darker and more painful one. My eyes pinch shut as the blade cuts through my bruised skin, this time hurting much worse.


Fuck, that was loud. I hear movement in the bedroom and mentally yell at myself. I think he's awake. I throw the blade in the trash not knowing what else to do. I grab toilet paper and throw it on top to cover it. I stand up, pulling my shirt down alon the way.

I freeze when there's a knock at the door.

"Emery?" I hear Louis' sleepy voice say. "Are you in there?"

"Uh yeah..just had to go to the bathroom." I lie.

"Open the door." He says.

I open the door to see him standing in front of me, his hair messy from sleep.

"Hi." I whisper.

"Are you alright?" He asks.

"I'm fine.." I answer going back to the bed.

"Are you sure?" He asks, following me.

I nod laying back down. He stands there for a moment before he finally comes back to bed.

When I wake up the bed is empty. I sit up slowly but still feel all the pain. My body aches everywhere. I throw the blankets off of my body and get up. I grab one of Zayns hoodies and throw it on before walking downstairs.

When I walk into the kitchen everyone is staring at me.

"Would you guys stop looking at me like that?" I whine.

"Sorry, uh, I made you some breakfast." Amy smiles gesturing down to the plate of pancakes and eggs.

"Thanks." I say grabbing the plate and taking a seat besides Alex at the island.

Everyone watches me eat like Im some kind of stray puppy they're helping.

"Guys seriously. I'm fine. You can stop staring at me like that." I tell them.

"But you're not fine." Alex says.

I sigh. "I am fine. I'll live."

She looks down sadly. I wish everyone would stop looking at me with pity because the more everyone does that the more I'm reminded of what he did to me.

"Em-" the doorbell rings.

"I'll get it." Zayn says.

Zayn walks to the door and opens it.

"Is Emery here?" I hear that cold manipulative voice.

I freeze. Everyone looks at me.

"I don't think she wants to see you." Zayn replies, his voice harsh.

"Listen man, I don't know what the fuck she told you but it's not true. She's crazy." Luke tells Zayn.

Zayn doesn't say anything.

"Can I please just see her?" He asks again.

I take a deep breath before getting up and walking to the door besides Zayn.

"What do you want Luke?" I ask coldly.

"Emery," he breaths a sigh of relief. He isn't relieved I'm okay, he's relieved I didn't go to the cops. Little does he know, telling the boys was worse.

"Can we- can we talk please?" He asks.

"No. She's not going anywhere alone with you." Zayn immediately denies for me.

"I asked her." Luke scowls.

"I don't wanna talk to you Luke. We're over if I didn't make that clear yesterday since your foot was driving into my stomach." I spit.

I hear Amy gasp behind me, not expecting my words.

"W-what? I would never hit you." He takes a step back. "See man, I told you, she's crazy."

I hear shuffling behind me until Louis is right beside me.

"I suggest you get the fuck off our property right now before I come out there and make you." He warns.

Luke laughs. "You two are so whipped. I bet you've been fucking both of them the whole time you fucking whore."

Zayn moves forward but I stop him before walking forward myself and smacking Luke across the face. And let me tell you it felt so good. Luke groans and holds his face looking at me in disgust.

"I knew it was a mistake the day I met you." He says angrily.

He walks closer to me until our chests are almost touching.

"I never loved you. How could anyone love someone like you." He whispers.

Even though I wanted to cry I held it together. I wouldn't let him see me cry. Not anymore. Without thinking I slapped him again. Before I could even blink his hand was hitting my face and much harder than I hit his.

I stumbled backwards before catching myself. At this point everyone was watching on the porch. Alex rushed over to me.

"Your lips bleeding." She says scanning my face.

"I'm fine." I tell her.

I look back over to see Zayn and Luke chest to chest. I just want this to be over. I walk over to them and stand in front of Zayn so I'm facing Luke.

"Just leave." I say lowly.

He stares down at me with his crystal blue eyes I used to find comfort in. Then surprisingly he walked away and left.

Undeniable | Louis TomlinsonDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora