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She couldn't conceal the look of confusion on her face at his words, attempting hard to muster any form of sarcasm, yet he appeared as serious as possible.

"Are you serious, you want me to be your wife?" she asked, while he remained silent, his expressions more than enough to affirm his words.

Sylara couldn't help but scoff as she peered into the dragon king's eyes, searching for any hint of sarcasm, yet he remained steadfastly serious.

Crossing her arms, she questioned, "And why would I ever want to marry you, Dragon King? A man whom I barely know? A man I haven't met before?" Her words trailed off as Reagan smirked.

"Choosing to marry you instead of her is merely what I presume would benefit me more," he replied, leaving Sylara to arch her brow in response.

"Benefit you more?" She crossed her arms as she continued, "Let me make a wild assumption. You are betrothed to someone else, whom you probably do not wish to be with, and now you hope to dissolve your union with her by marrying me instead?" Sylara's inquiry hung in the air as Reagan remained silent, confirming her suspicions.

She couldn't suppress a scoff as she remarked, "Dragon King, you are nothing but a child compared to me. I have lived for over eight hundred years, and never once have I considered making any man my husband." She took a momentary pause before adding, "What makes you think things will be different with you?"

"Nothing," he confesses, "can't a man hope?"

"If you have taken a liking to me, Dragon King, just say so," Sylara burst out. "Out of the numerous women at your disposal, I am the one you choose. Don't be ridiculous," she said, while Reagan took steps towards her, closing the distance between them.

Sylara tried to crane her neck to maintain eye contact, her cheeks suddenly flushing with their unusual closeness as she gulped. "What are you doing?"

"If you could somehow convince a god to be your husband, would you settle for a mere mortal instead?" he asked, while Sylara inhaled deeply, contemplating his words. After a moment of silence and locked eye contact, she finally exhaled and stepped away from him, saying,

"Dragon King, I won't be your wife, so you can forget about that happening," she declared, while Reagan scoffed and moved away from her.

"Would you still hold the same opinion if I made you fall in love with me, Emoyrean Queen? It shouldn't take long to have you head over heels for me. I am perfect, to say the least," he boasted, while Sylara rolled her eyes at his obnoxiousness.

"What is your decision on the matter going to be?" Sylara inquired. "I was considering bringing a powerful sorcerer with me on this quest, but having the Dragon King at my disposal would surely ensure victory. Make a decision, for we embark on the quest tomorrow," she urged, while Reagan simply stared at her, lost in thought.

"I will agree to accompany you on this quest, leaving my people and my throne behind to venture with you alone," he declared, as Sylara nodded in agreement, hanging on his every word.

"Very well then, you have made the right decision that will benefit you and your people," she affirmed, as Reagan nodded and took a step closer to Sylara, closing the distance between them, towering over her.

Her cheeks suddenly flushed again as he reached for the strands of hair that framed her face, gently tucking them behind her ear as he spoke.

"It would be a favor if you could still consider my offer," he said, his fingertips delicately grazing her skin, while Sylara found herself lost in his eyes, as if he had some form of enchantment over her.

ROYAL DARKNESS (MASKED)(18+)Where stories live. Discover now