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Senior prom the day every high schooler looks forward too. Way better than junior prom. I know it will be, saturday april 25 thats the date. I ended up choosing a spagetti strap black dress with a slit and a v neck. its got gems around the area where my breasts go. I was going for sexy, plus i know conrad will love it. Hed love me in anything, but with proms theme being in the stars i felt black was more fitting. Taylor went for a long white dress thats form fitting and sparkly its perfect for her. Shaylas driving over to do our hair and make up again.

I told her she didnt have too, but she insited because were like the sisters she never had. Its been 2 weeks since the break in, and to be honest im only slightly better. Jeremiahs only had to sleep in my room on the twin bed 3 times instead of 5. Conrads still been waking up with nightmares about me dying. Or hating him because he didnt save me, so hes been super tired all week. Hes been taking naps in his dorm, while i eat lunch with all of our friends. Hes also getting sad because in a week itll mark one year without susannah.

My moms been in new york with steven and shayla. I got sent lots of pictures of them from the statue of liberty. The met, the smithsonian, they went to a yankees game. They saw the empire state building, and shayla and mom went to a fashion show. Im so jealous, but im glad they had fun and besides i got an amazing week in l.a. Adam is officially into the mentle health facility. He called jere and i over facetime yesterday to show us his room, he says he already misses cindy and the others at the aa rehab place.

We wished him luck and promised wed come visit him next weekend. Im glad hes doing better, and i think hes finally changed. even my moms talked to him a few times, and says she finally sees it. Conrad is still hard pressed that he dosnt want to see adam, but is happy he appears to be doing better. As long as he keeps it up when he gets out, i know conrad would tolerate seeing him for holidays. Conrad didnt drive over yesterday because he really needed to finish a project, but hes driving over now. Its about 2pm jeremiah taylor and i are at the ritz starting to set up for prom.

The rest of the student council arrives shortly after to help. We put the table clothes, and place cards labled juniors and seniors. I entrust jeremiah to make sure the lights are hung right while, taylor and i work on the photo backdrop. I went with twinkle lights to look like stars, and a moon that hangs down for the ball. For around the room i set up the punch table, and the dessert table in the back with labels. We didnt hire a djay this time, instead i created a prom playlist.

Well be playing it through the speakers and laptop. We hang up paper machet shooting starts jeremiah and i were up all night painting. Im going to miss him tons, hes really been my rock this year. As much as i love jere i could live without him, but conrad hes my living air i need him to survive, and he needs me. Jeremiah said something unsettling to me yesterday, he said and i qoute what if i move to cali and give taylor an ultimatum of long distance or breaking up.

I said thatd be really doochy and low to do. id be angry at him for hurting taylor, or forcing her into something she dosent want to do. I dont know what hes holding onto or afraid of. Maybe some part of him is still worried things wont work out, even if he stays. Thats the hard part about love sometimes. Its about 4pm when we finish, and im so pleased with how everything turned out. In just 4 short hours itll start, and ill be one step closer to graduating.

One step closer to the golden california sun, one step closer to living with conrad. Shayla and conrad are here when we get back to the house.

"Shay you didnt have to come so early" i hug her tight.

"I wanted too conrad and i are making susannahs chicken noodle soup, and garlic bread for dinner" she states.

"Are you excited to go to princeton with steven after the summer?" i say.

SUMMER CAN LAST FOREVER Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя