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Its the night before the deb ball and i cant sleep im so nervous. Ive never been so nervous for anything in my life. Its about midnight, bellys sleeping soundly beside me. I have a crazy idea, i wonder if shell go for it. I gently shake her awake.

"connie?" she yawns.

"Sorry to wake you but i cant sleep. um do you wanna go skinny dipping in the ocean?" i ask her.

"Right now" she says tired "yeah right now" i tell her.

"Its midnight" she mumbles

"you wake jeremiah up all the time for late night adventures. Maybe i want one too" i pout.

"Okay lets go" she smiles and kisses my cheek. We change into our swimsuits, and head out of the house

"i feel dangerous. do you feel dangerous?" i ask belly who laughs

"so dangerous" she replies. We get to the water and i take my suit off first. hop in the water. Its cold but it feels nice.

"waters great cmon belly" i call out

"youre crazy! what have you done with my gentle connie?" she jokes and giggles. She takes off her suit and comes into the water.

"fuck, im awake now" she tells me.

"Cmere" i say seductivly and she swims over to me.

"Can you even have sex in water?" belly muses.

"Yes you can" i reply

"how?" she questions. I chuckle.

"like this" i say lifting her up. Her legs are around my waist, i waste no time in moving inside of her.

"Ohhh.... thats interesting" she breaths out.

"Just one thing you might have to do more work" i mumble kissing her neck and she giggles. I hold her steady as she bounces up and down, i let out heavy breaths as she does.

I see her hair reflect in the moonlight, and i finally see it. Wet hair is romantic i think to myself, watching the water drip down her hair. I put my lips on hers. I kiss her with so much passion and lust. These kisses are fast and sloppy cause of the water, but i dont care. My hands rest firmly on her hips, and i get lost in the feeling of her. fuck shes so good at this.. I carry us out of the water, and onto the beach without breaking our kiss. i gently lay her down in the sand.

"Are you sure you wanna do this here? were gonna get sand everywhere" belly stops kissing me.

"Yes im positive" i reply and she lays back down, maybe i dont care about mess. i just want a midnight adventure with my girlfriend. I shake my hair out on belly who giggles.

"youre right, wet hair is so fucking romantic"i say quiet kissing her again. I move my hand down.

"bout damn time you caught on" she breaths and chuckles.

"Conrad how are you gonna see in the-oh fuck nevermind!" she starts saying but stops as i find her spot.

"how do you know?" she sighs

"i know every inch of this body" i mumble.

"Youre so sexy" belly breaths out

"you are way more sexier" i tell her kissing her neck. I rub it in circles, and she breaths out. i move down to kiss her breasts, and then her belly. i put my hands on her breasts, and lightly draw circles around the nipples.

"God i love that" belly tells me soft.

"I know you do" i reply i stop massaging them, and head down to her lower region. I place kisses along her thigh as i trace her entrace when my hand.

SUMMER CAN LAST FOREVER Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ