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"THANK THE LORD SPRING BREAK" i shout bursting through the door of my house.

"SPRING BREAK PARTY TIME" jeremiah shouts back.

"Except youre gonna be in la and san fransisco, and ill be at cousins with steven shayla and taylor" he replies.

"How are things between you?" i ask

"better i think, shes still kinda weird, but weve been talking more. Were gonna have to really learn to depend and lean on our partners for everything arent we" he says.

"Yeah we will, but well always be belly and jere two peas in a pod" i smile.

Taylor nearly broke up with jeremiah again this week, but i think conrads words really got to her and stuck with her. I hope they last, and that college dosent drive them apart.

"How are prom preperations going?" he asks

"omg im slacking, we need to do some serious work. We need to go to party city, and buy supplies. I need to meet with the ritz carlton manager, and tell him my design plan. When we get back from spring break, i have too announce the nominees for kind and queen. I have to find my dress, because conrad needs to know what color crosage to buy" i tell jeremiah.

Ugh theres so much i have to do, but this next week is all about my mom. i have so much to tell her, and i cant wait to hear all about her adventures. She was on the today show last week, shes filming for rachel ray show, and the kelly clarkson show. Shes doing an amazing job keeping susannahs memory alive and well. I will be sad, because i havent spent a week away from conrad since september of last year, when school just started.

That will be the hardest thing for me, to not see his pretty face. in just 3 months jeremiah taylor and i are graduating. im ready, but i want to hold onto it. After a lot of back and forth, i decided not to do any freshman honors. Conrad was upset, because he thinks im wasting a golden opportunity. We actually ended up getting into a pretty bad fight about it. I know he was pushing for me to go, because he believes in me. wants me to succeed, he didnt understand why id want to cling onto high school.

I promptly said that theres more to school than school, swim team practices just started, and i love swim team. we have our first match after spring break on that monday. I reminded him im on student council, and i want to spend these last few months with my friends, rather than making new ones. Adams doing good still, jeremiah and i went and saw him over the last weekend. my mom also called, said she finally talked to him, and agreed hed sounded better, but she like conrad has not forgiven him.

Conrads been meeting with cindy still to get updates on adam. Im proud of him for at least doing that. Im currently packing my clothes. im so excited to leave the cold and the rain, its been so stormy lately.

"Belly im ordering pizza" jeremiah calls

"sounds good" i reply back. I pack junior mint with me, my phone rings and its conrad.

"hey connie baby!" i beam.

"You sound way too happy for someone whose leaving me for a week" he sighs.

"Im sorry, im just really excited to see mom" i say.

"I know, ill be there in 20 minutes" he tells me.

"you coming to love me goodbye, make sure i cant be tempted at all" i joke.

"Nah the ring on your finger does that job for me. Steers any potential threats away" he chuckles.

"Itll be the longest quickest week, and then well meet up in san fransisco at our house. Ugh i still cant believe it" i reply.

"youd better believe it" he says. I end up ending the call, so i can finish packing. The pizza guy arrives before conrad does, jeremiah gets it and ive just finished packing my clothes.

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