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I wake up to find conrads side of the bed empty no surprise there.

"he did what!" my mothers voice yells

"the next time i see him im gonna give him a piece of my mind, i cant believe this! i should be calling cps, and filing a report!" she shouts.

I step out of my room to find mom, jeremiah, and conrad standing around the kitchen island.

"Im appling for running start, so i can get out of there for most of the time, but ill still have to go to high school for half the day a few days a week" jere says.

"If you apply to brown we can maybe just live together" conrad suggests.

"i may do that next year, but i still need to be by the high school" jere slumps.

My mom looks over at me then at conrad then at jere.

"i know you 3 have gone through some stuff recently. Maybe jere can move in here?" mom questions.

"Belly what do you think?" mom asks i look over at conrad to see if he understands the silent question im asking him.

"Its okay" he mouths to me.

"He should stay" i say simply.

"I agree i think itd be good laurel can help you, and belly can support you." Conrad replies sighing.
"The real question is are we pressing charges? " conrad asks.

The room goes quiet.

"i dont know let me think about it" jeremiah replies.

I make eggs and toast for breakfast. After i eat i go and get ready for the day. I shower leave my hair down i put mousterizer and mascara on. i pick out my outfit for the day my butt i love you jeans, and my red short sleeve shirt thats just a bit tight and low cut. I put on my black flat heeled boots and go back into the living room.

Conrad and jeremiah are playing a game and talking about the plans

"so we drive to dads, pack up enough of your stuff then drive back here. Ill drop you and belly off before heading to brown" i hear conrad say and my heart gets sad.

"Hey guys" i say chipper conrad leaves the game

"dude cmon" jere protests.

"Sorry not sorry" conrad replies.

"Hey belly" conrad subtly checks me out.

"uhm so heres the plan. We go to dads get jeres stuff and then come back and well i leave" he says.

They finish the game and then we leave. i let jere have the front seat so i can relax in the back.

"Belly have you started making your campaign posters?" jeremiah asks my eyes go wide. I havent told conrad my plans for student council or for running start.

"campaign posters for what?" conrad asks confused.

"what do you mean for what geez and you think i forget things" jeremiah says.

"jere" i interupt him and give him a look.

"Oh shit forget i said anything i dont know what im talking about" jeremiah states.

"Isabel whats he talking about?"conrad probes and i can hear him smirking.

"Its not important" i say.

"jeremiah have you heard from running start" i ask.

"dont try and change the subject ill make you tell me" conrad challenges.

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