The Enemy of My Enemy Is My Friend

Start from the beginning

Luna hurried off the stage toward the Twin Moon exit. If I'm to catch up and offer an alliance, I'll have to hurry. I rushed to the rewards table, stated my name, placement, and selected a sword as my prize. Once armed with my rewards, I left the Blood Moon sect's exit, activating my invisibility.

Mimicking the appearance of a core condensation realm practitioner, I circled the arena outside, reaching the Twin Moon exit. Peering inside, I didn't spot Luna. On the streets near the exit I saw her, the flowing waterfall of silver hair making her unmistakable.

After catching up, I silently followed as she made her way through the streets. She seemed to be making her way to the edge of the city. There were getting to be fewer and fewer people around, and by the time we reached the edge, I couldn't see anyone, probably everyone not working was at the arena.

I went around her and waited ahead near an alley, waiting for her to pass by. I was just going to start talking, but I imagined if a ghost started talking, she'd scream, and just because I couldn't see anyone around didn't mean there wasn't anyone around.

As Luna approached, I covered her mouth with one hand and restrained her arms with the other. She struggled futilely, emitting muffled screams as I pulled her into the alley. Regretfully, this wasn't the most diplomatic way to initiate a conversation.

"Firstly, I'd like to apologize for having to approach you in such a rude manner to have a conversation. Secondly, it's evident we both share a desire to see Kedron's death. I propose we join forces to expedite the process."

She ceased struggling so I though she understood, and I released my grip. Surprisingly, she turned around and attempted to strike me with one hand while drawing her sword with the other. Being unable to see me left her swinging blindly, hoping to hit something. She's very fast for her realm, but still too slow to hit me.

"Damn Bastard! Pervert! Stop moving!" Her blade could be heard slicing the air, failing to hit anything.

I smirked; she's a little amusing, wanting me to stop moving so she can actually hit something. I evaded her blind swings, moving behind her and tapping her shoulder. She whirled around, her blade slicing a wide arc until it crashed into the stone wall of the alley with a loud clang.

"Bastard, let me see you! Afraid to die?!"

The sword hitting the stone wall was a little loud; time to stop playing and get to the point. Once again, I moved behind her, grabbing the wrist and hand holding the sword, bending it, forcing her to drop the sword. Before it hit the ground, I snatched it and placed it back in the scabbard on her left hip, preventing further noise.

"Ok, let's end the fun and have a conversation. Or not; I'll solve him on my own, but it'll take more than 2 months, it'll be too late for you then."

Once again, she attempted to punch my voice and draw her sword. Foolish; there's no way she could win. I caught her fist and restrained the hand reaching for her sword. The flames of wrath in her eyes were almost visible, scary.

"Let go of me and die!" She struggled, but my hold remained firm.

"If you acknowledge that your current approach won't lead to victory, wouldn't finding an alternative be more prudent? I'll give you three seconds to decide if you want Kedron dead."





"Yes! Now let go!"

"Patience. I'll release you regardless of your answer. Do you want to help expedite Kedron's death?"


"Yes... But I have conditions."

I released my grip. She took a few steps back rubbing her wrist.

"I promised to let you go; if there's more, we can try to work it into the plan."

"Let me see you!"

"Perfectly reasonable." I dropped my invisibility.

She looked shocked. "But how are you in core formation? You were just in astral refinement at the competition."

"I was in middle-stage astral refinement two weeks ago and reached peak astral refinement five days ago. Such rapid progression is already too fast, so I hid my realm when I reached core formation last night."

"That's not possible; if you don't tell the truth, I won't work with you!" She looked like she was going to fight again.

"Tsk, I can prove it. Just because you can't do it doesn't mean it's impossible. You should have received a grade 5 stone from the competition. Let's make a bet: if I can absorb my grade 5 stone in less than 2 minutes, you'll give me your winnings. If I lose, I'll give you my winnings plus an extra grade 4 stone." No one could absorb 1 grade 5 stone in several hours. Absorbing a grade 5 stone in two minutes would be considered ludicrous.

She regarded me incredulously. "Deal. That's the easiest astral stones I've ever gotten," already asserting ownership.

I produced my grade 5 stone, activating my devour skill. As it rapidly disappeared, her expression shifted from triumph to horror. In 15 seconds, it was fully devoured. She grabbed my hand, that had been holding the stone, checking to make sure I hadn't cheated.

She looked away and handed me my new winnings. Deciding to savor the moment, I devoured the grade 5 stone in her presence.

Returning to our main topic, I asked, "Is there anything else you want to discuss, or should we formulate a plan?"

She looked back at me with her indifferent mask once again in place, but when she saw me devouring her lost stone, her eyes showed a twinge of annoyance.

"The matriarch has to die as well."

I hadn't realized Luna's disdain for her matriarch ran so deep. Nevertheless, that's fine; she's only at the peak of core formation.

"Alright, and anything else?"

She pondered for a moment, then shook her head. "Not for now; I'll consider it later."

The corner of my lips twitched into a smile, I like this girl; instead of answering "no," she left it open-ended so she could always come up with something later.

"Given the potential for collateral damage, is there anyone you'd prefer not to get hurt?"


No friends, it seemed. She echoed my past life. Well, I guess I don't have any here either.

Having finished devouring the grade 5 stones, I was almost to middle-stage of core formation. These stones were undeniably potent; perhaps i should acquire them from other winners.

"If we are going to kill Kedron and the matriarch, we might have to kill the Blood Moon patriarch also. So I think the current plan should be to increase myself to supreme attainment as soon as possible. If we increased you there, it would take years, and we only have 2 months, so that's not an option. With that, killing Kedron and the Matriarch will be a cakewalk. However, the patriarch will pose a little problem, so leave that for later once we see what we have to work with."

She snorted. "No one can reach supreme attainment from early core formation in 2 months."

I grinned. "Wanna bet?"

"... No."

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